Page 52 of Catching My Dreams

Ella tried not to be distracted by the way Archie had curled up on Noah’s lap or how the man in front of her looked way too comfortable and at home on her living room couch, cuddling with her dog.

“But is that enough?” she asked. “He would clearly choose not to love her if he could. That’s not a sign of a relationship that’s going to last.”

“Well, no,” Noah admitted reluctantly.

“Right. So play on.”

He pressed a button on the TV remote, and Mr. Darcy started speaking on the screen.

“See, it all worked out happily in the end,” she said once the credits were rolling.

“It did,” Noah agreed with a sigh. “But they had to go through way too much shit to get there.”

“That’s life, though.” Ella shifted so that she was propped against the arm of the couch and facing him. “Nothing worth having ever comes easily.”

He turned his head to look at her, and those blue eyes of his rested gently on her face. “Yeah, I suppose not.”

Ella’s lips parted, but the question she wanted to ask wouldn’t form. “Why don’t you pick the next movie?” she said instead, only realizing afterward that her words assumed he was staying for another and didn’t want to flee her house and her presence.

“I’m happy with whatever you want to watch.”

He was staying. Ella’s chest warmed despite every effort on her brain’s part to keep her from letting Noah get to her.

“Why don’t I heat this up again, and you can find something,” he suggested, reaching forward and taking the heat pack from around her shoulders.

“Thank you.” She wished she could blame the lingering warmth of the heat pack for the warmth in her face, but it was all Noah’s touch.

“Are you hungry? I can make us a snack or some popcorn.”

Her jaw was too sore for popcorn, but her stomach had started gnawing on itself and demanding sustenance halfway through Pride and Prejudice. “I’m starving, but I think I can only handle soft food. My jaw isn’t in great shape.”

“Why don’t I order in some soup?” he said, already taking out his phone. “I’d say chicken noodle, but we’ll have to get you something boring like butternut or tomato.”

“They’re not boring,” Ella argued, but she wasn’t angry or even annoyed by his remarks.

Noah remembered she was a vegetarian. He was ordering soup for her. She felt like she’d been transported into a parallel universe where Noah Warner truly cared about her.

He scrolled through his phone and hummed thoughtfully. “How about broccoli cheddar soup?”

“Sounds very unboring if you ask me.”

He grinned. “It sounds alright, I suppose.” He tapped away on his screen for a minute before putting his phone away. “Okay, two broccoli cheddar soups coming up.”

“You could have gotten something else.”

He shrugged. “Nah, I’d never eat meat in a vegetarian’s house. That’s just bad manners.”

Ella’s brows lifted approximately two inches above her hairline. She had no idea if he was joking or not, but either way, the gesture was a kind one.

“What?” he asked, shifting self-consciously. “My mother raised me right, that’s all.”

Okay, so maybe he hadn’t been joking. “I should send you some money to pay for my half.”

“And have less than ten dollars to your name?” He sent her an incredulous look. “I don’t think so.”

Now it was Ella’s turn to shift on the couch. “You’ve done more than enough for me. I feel bad making you spend your money as well.”

“It’s okay, Ella. I’m not doing anything I don’t want to. Now, find us something to watch, and I’ll get us some drinks.”