Page 107 of Catching My Dreams

“I wish I could take full credit, but Riley may have helped me pick it out,” he admitted.

Ella chuckled. “Either way, I still love it.”

Riley and Asher said goodbye to him while Ella hopped into the back of Asher’s car. Though she should have been smiling after what was a great birthday dinner with her friends, she found herself scanning the street outside her window, the hair on her arms raised and a shiver running down her spine. Brett had become far too good at ruining everything good in her life.

Not for the first time, Ella wished she could go back in time and ensure she never came across him. She wished she could go back and stop herself from meeting the person who’d become her friend, only to later become her worst nightmare.

But wishes were useless, and Ella knew she couldn’t change the past. All she could do now was try to survive in the present.


“At least he’s not playing as badly as last time,” Jasmine said after they’d finished another chant, her voice barely audible over the roar of the crowd.

Ella didn’t reply. The person in question was her ex, so she didn’t really feel like contributing to the conversation.

“He’s still playing like shit, but at least we might stand a chance this time,” Ben agreed.

Becca cleared her throat rather aggressively. Based on how Jasmine and Ben stopped talking, Ella assumed the throat-clearing had been accompanied by a stern look. She appreciated it.

She was already forced to watch Noah, her eyes never seeming to be able to stay off of him for very long. She didn’t need the running commentary.

“How’s your neck?” Becca asked, and the change of subject was welcome.

“Still sore,” Ella replied, testing its range of motion and wincing when she turned her head too far to the right. “I’m sure Madison’s loving this.”

Ella had known she wouldn’t be able to perform properly as a flyer with the pain and stiffness in her neck and shoulders, not to mention the constant throbbing ache in her jaw. So she and their coach had decided it was best she only participated in a limited capacity.

Suffice it to say, Madison was probably gloating to her friends about how she would never let the team down like that—and for the second time, nonetheless.

“Oh, she is,” Jasmine replied, her voice loaded with annoyance.

Becca sighed. “I really hate that bitch.”

Ben snickered, but Ella and Jasmine just hummed their agreement.

Before Ella could respond to Becca’s wise words, their coach sent them a warning look, reminding them that they weren’t meant to be chatting. Though Ella was already standing ramrod straight, she pushed her shoulders back a fraction more under the woman’s scrutiny.

The rest of the home game passed by excruciatingly slowly. When she wasn’t cheering, Ella’s attention was fixed on Noah, and she hated that she cared about his poor performance. Though the Hoyas ended up winning, he hadn’t played nearly as well as she knew he was capable of.

She suspected it had to do with his worry for his mom. Though Riley had assured her that Francesca was fine, Ella couldn’t help but think that wasn’t true if Noah couldn’t keep his head in the game. Once the game was over, she briefly considered going to him, but Madison beat her to it.

The other woman intercepted Noah, who had left the rest of the team to celebrate the win and had been making his way to the locker rooms alone.

“That absolute cow,” Jasmine seethed when she saw what had Ella’s nostrils flaring.

She, Becca, and Ben had been celebrating the team’s win in their usual enthusiastic manner, but the three of them were now standing stock still as they watched Madison smile and place a hand on Noah’s arm.

Ella wasn’t sure what she would have done if Noah hadn’t immediately stepped back, sending Madison’s arm dropping back to her side. Ella had no claim to him. Not anymore. But seeing Madison’s hand on him was enough to have the ache in her chest growing to a burning pain that made the throb in her jaw seem like a light pinch.

But as she watched Noah’s face transform into a furious scowl, the burn faded. She stared as Noah said something that had Madison curling in on herself before he stormed away.

“What was that about?” Ben asked.

“I have no idea,” Ella replied, but when Madison turned around and sent a glare her way, she understood.

Noah must have finally told Madison off for taking credit for the food Ella had made for his mother.

She grinned and sent Madison a taunting finger waggle. The woman’s eyes grew even narrower, and despite the world of hurt Ella was still in, she could feel only satisfaction that Madison had not only been rejected but called out by Noah. Karma was a bitch.