Page 100 of Catching My Dreams

Riley stared at her, unblinking. “It’s your birthday next week?” she finally asked.

“Yep,” Ella replied unenthusiastically. “Yay me.”

Riley covered her face with her hands and groaned. “My stepbrother is such an asshole.”

“Facts.” Ella nodded, trying not to feel too bad for herself. It could have been worse. He could have broken up with her one week before her birthday instead of two. Hell, he could have done it on her birthday.

“You’re sure you don’t feel like going somewhere?” Riley pressed. “We could play laser tag or do an escape room. It might take your mind off things.”

Ella shook her head. She needed to wallow in her self-pity for just a bit longer.

“Noah’s miserable too, by the way,” Riley told her when it was clear Ella wasn’t budging from her spot on the couch.

Ella swallowed the mouthful of ice cream she’d just scooped up, the delicious flavor turning sour. Her nostrils flared. “Doubtful. He was the one who broke up with me, remember?”

“I know,” Riley replied gently.

“He’s probably just stressed about his mom.”

He’d certainly looked stressed when Ella had caught a glimpse of him after one of her classes on Wednesday. The dark rings under his eyes gave hers a run for their money.

“Maybe,” Riley admitted. “But I don’t think that’s all. I’ve never seen him so sad, Ella. He barely spoke when he came over for dinner last night.”

Ella hated that she was jealous Riley had gotten to spend time with him. She was meant to be hating Noah, not secretly hoping Riley was right and that he was just as miserable as she was. She wasn’t meant to be wondering why someone who’d thanked her and told her she was amazing for bringing his sick mom soup would suddenly go back to thinking she was self-centered.

“Maybe he’s upset because Asher’s giving him the cold shoulder,” she countered.

Ella had been shocked when she’d found out Asher had taken a side in the matter. It meant the world to her that he had, but she couldn’t deny a part of her felt bad for Noah.

He’d lost one of his best friends, and according to Riley, Chris wasn’t very happy with him either. It felt like justice, but it also felt like a tragedy. It made the petty half of her so incredibly giddy, but the part of her that still loved Noah simply felt sad for him.

“Or maybe he still loves you, and he misses you,” Riley argued gently.

“No,” Ella said, her voice as chilly as the frozen dessert in her hands. She sat up straight and pinned the other woman with a glare. “Let me stop you right there. Noah broke up with me. He made it very clear that he didn’t want me anymore, and I don’t need you trying to convince me that he’s pining for me when that can’t possibly be the case.”

A small voice in Ella’s head argued that maybe Noah did miss her, but she shut that voice down very quickly.

“He left me, Riley. He ended things, and I refuse to be that girl who holds out hope that her ex will take her back. Even if he does regret it, there’s not a chance in hell that I’ll let him back into my life. I forgave him once, but that was it. He got his second chance, and I’m not going to be stupid enough to give him a third.”

Riley gulped. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” She paused. “I just hate seeing both of you so miserable.”

Ella slumped back down. “Yeah, well, blame your stepbrother for that.”

“Oh, I do,” Riley assured her.

“Can we make a rule?” Ella asked, her spoon digging back into her ice cream. “No more talk about Noah. Ever.”

Riley smiled sadly. “Sure,” she agreed. “Now, how about you go shower? You’re starting to smell.”

Ella’s jaw dropped open, and it clicked, sending a spike of pain to her head. She’d been using her night guard, but the mouth guard seemed useless against the pressure she put on her jaw muscles when she ground her teeth in her sleep. “Rude,” she grumbled.

“It’s true,” Riley replied without any sign of remorse. “I’ll find us a movie to watch while you do that.”

“As long as it’s not a rom-com,” Ella said. She would definitely cry if she had to watch other people fall in love and find happiness, even if it was make-believe. “A war movie would be good. Or maybe a nature documentary.”

“Wow,” Riley drawled. “You’re just buckets of fun.”

Ella heaved herself off of the couch, taking her tub of ice cream with her like the safety blanket it was. “I know.”