Page 34 of Fur & Money

Hungry. So hungry. Have to eat.

We were eating, you stupid dog!

I’m certainly not stupid.

I knew it was bound to happen, but hearing the fear in Raven’s voice while her wolf ran wild with her made me dig my claws into the dirt even further. I propelled myself forward, lunging with all of my might as piles of dirt kicked up behind me. Goddamn it, her wolf was fast. Faster than any wolf I’d ever seen.

I had to do something to get her to slow down, otherwise she’d tear right into bear territory before I could catch up.

Raven, it’s me.

“GO AWAY!” her wolf side commanded.

“I don’t know what to do, Dean,” she whispered frantically, “what do I do? How do I get it to stop?”

I panted air through my nostrils. “You have to slow down. You’re going to hit bear territory before I can catch up.”


“Tree!” Raven exclaimed.

All I once, I watched her fling her wolf form into a tree. The whimper that fell from her lips accompanied a resounding crunch, and fear unlike anything I had ever experienced wafted throughout my entire being. She fell to the ground, both of the voices silenced in my head. And as I shifted back into human form, I skidded to a stop beside her.

“Raven,” I said breathlessly as I petted my hand down the nape of her neck. “Raven, can you hear me?”

She peeked an eye open, and I found my reflection in her gaze.

“There’s a good girl. It’s okay. I’m right here.”

She heaved a heavy sigh and the fear in her gaze was evident.

“Can you shift back into human form for me?”

She softly shook her head no.

“Well, I know you can do it. Just picture yourself as a human again and you’ll slowly change back.”


She physically cowered away from me, and it filled me with an unspeakable anger.

“And you’ll be fed once she changes back. Let her go.”


“Let her go,” I growled as I stood. “Or you’ll fight me for your meal. And I can promise you that you won’t win.”


“Please, make it stop,” Raven’s whimpering voice said softly.

I dropped back to my knees. “You have to learn to control it. This is something that we all struggle with. You cannot allow your wolf to dictate your human form. Okay? Just focus on my voice and close your eyes. Do your best to conjure your human reflection. You’ve got this, and I’ve got you. All right?”

“I can’t do this. I can’t do this. Please, Dean. Please, just—"


“Shut the fuck up!” I bellowed.