Page 2 of Emmett

My senses heightened, and I detected the pulse of life all around me—the rustle of leaves and the scurry of small creatures moving out of my path.

My ancestors' life force thrummed through me, fueling my resolve and driving me onward with a sense of duty as innate as breathing.

As I charged through the trees, the scent of smoke invaded my nostrils, a harsh reminder of the danger lurking nearby. With a renewed sense of purpose, I pushed myself harder, my bear form propelling me forward with unstoppable determination.

It wasn't long before I spotted the telltale plumes of smoke rising in the distance. Instinctively, I altered my course, veering toward the source of the fire. As I drew closer to the flames, the crackle of burning timber and the roar of the inferno echoed through the trees. But I didn’t falter. I would protect the forest that had always been my home.

The heat hit me like a physical wall as I burst into the clearing, the flames casting an eerie orange glow across the smoke-filled air. The pungent scent of smoke drove me on with urgency.

With a growl rumbling deep in my chest, I skidded to a halt, sniffing cautiously. There was no time to be stealthy. I had to stop this fire before it blazed out of control.

My bear sensed the danger, his instincts sharpened by his primal nature. My human side relied on logic and facts. But this didn’t feel like an accidental fire. Was a criminal hand at work here, concealed in our territory? Or was the fire the result of an otherworldly force?

With a grunt, I shifted back to human, my body contorting rapidly to take on a man's shape again. I threw on the spare clothes we kept stashed at intervals in the hollows of old pine trees, covering my nakedness.

Didn't need the firefighters asking awkward questions about why my junk was swinging in the wind.

I froze mid-step and sniffed. Amidst the overwhelming stench of smoke and burning pine, an intriguing scent threaded through the air—something tantalizingly feminine, sweet, and alluring that called to me on a primal level.

Fuck, it smelled good. I wanted to paint my skin with it. My bear perked up, instantly alert and hungry in a way that had nothing to do with food.

I scanned my surroundings, searching for the source, but it was all around me, infiltrating my senses and calling to my DNA. It clouded my mind and awakened deeply buried instincts. A low growl rumbled in my chest, possessive and raw.



I shook my head to clear my senses. Focus, Emmett. Fire first, alluringly addictive female aroma later.

I tore my attention away and stepped into the chaotic scene. Fire trucks and emergency vehicles crowded the small parking area. Spectators gathered on the fringes, watching the blaze consume the bone-dry underbrush.

Among them stood my brother, Leif, his face creased with worry. I caught his eye and nodded in reassurance. We'd stop this fire like we had the others lately.

My gaze moved to the uniformed firefighters shouting orders and unfurling their hoses. And that's when I saw her.

She stood out from the crowd of burly firefighters, a slim figure in a yellow uniform, her fiery red hair pulled back in a no-nonsense ponytail. Even from a distance, I could see the determination in her stance and the set of her shoulders as she directed her team with calm authority.

She moved with a grace that was out of place amidst the chaos, her lithe form weaving between the smoke and flames like a dancer.

As I watched, she turned to confer with one of her men, and I glimpsed her face—delicate features set with determination, green eyes that seemed to glow with an inner fire.

She was, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. And she was the source of that tantalizing scent that had nearly driven me to distraction.

I strode over, urgency lending an edge to my voice. “The hoses need to go north of the flames. You'll contain it faster.”

She whirled on me, bristling. “Excuse me? I'm the assistant chief here. I know what I'm doing.”

Her green eyes flashed with irritation, but I caught a flicker of something more in their depths before she hid it away.

“I’m a local forest ranger and have some experience with wildfires,” I said. “I've lived here my whole life. I grew up in these woods. I know them like the back of my hand. Trust me, the fire is spreading that way.” I pointed toward the towering pines, where the flames were inching closer by the second.

She studied me for a moment, her gaze assessing. I could practically see the gears turning in her head as she weighed my words against her knowledge.

Finally, she gave a curt nod. “The maps say the terrain slopes east. We need to approach from below.”

I stepped closer, holding her gaze. “The maps don't know these trees like I do. Let me help you.”

She hesitated, her eyes searching mine. For a moment, I thought she might refuse, her pride warring with the need to accept help. But then she sighed, her shoulders relaxing slightly. “North it is. Guys, reposition upstream!”