Mason sat up. “Of course, I want to marry you, Vi.”

She giggled. “Okay, fine. I’ll marry you. Don’t beg.”

Justin shot me a look and I narrowed my eyes at him. The bastard was about to make me and Mason look like idiots. I could just feel it. He reached into his pants pocket and knelt in front of her with a diamond ring. “I was going to wait, but I’ve been ready since the day we met you, Violet. Marry us. Make us the happiest men alive. Promise us forever in front of our son. I love you, Violet. Will you marry us?”

She leapt into his arms and tackled him to the floor. Covering his face in kisses, she finally sat up while straddling him and held out her hand. “Yes! I’ll marry you.”

I shook my head at Mason and jerked my thumb at Justin. “Of course, he already has a ring.”

“Mr. Boy Scout. He was just waiting for the chance to show us up.” Mason grinned and fell back on the couch. “Bested by my own best friend.”

Violet got up and stood in front of us, as naked as the day she was born. “I have two things to say to you guys right now.”

I smiled up at her. “Go on.”

“First, I’m starving. Seeing that you guys are safe and still in functioning order has given me my appetite back.” She squirmed in place. “Second… I need to pee and since I have about five hundred sticks to pee on, maybe someone could grab a handful for me?”

Fifteen minutes later, we were still lining up tests on the bathroom counter while Violet ate a cup of mac and cheese perched on the closed toilet. She’d peed in a cup and was letting us do the rest of the work. She was adorable in my t-shirt and nothing else. Her hair was a mess and she was eating like she hadn’t in days.

I was just opening my mouth to lecture her about eating more when the first timer went off. Justin, Mason, and I all panicked and in our search to find which stick had been first, we knocked half of them onto the floor, spilled the cup of pee, and somehow had four timers going off on three phones all at the same time.

Violet took another bite of her mac and cheese and held up a test. She giggled at us and turned it around so we could see the results. Positive.



Nine Months Later

“I don’t know… I mean, yes, she’s a girl, but she’s also two months old. I don’t know if Doll’s is the best place for her to be. What if she grows up staring at dildos and it does something to her?” I held Delilah to my chest as she fed and ran my finger over her soft hair. “It’s so crazy to me she came out with a head full of hair. Forrest was bald until he was ten months old, I swear.”

Joanie wiggled her fingers and fought the need to hold Delilah. “I think our little angel is going to grow up with a very progressive viewpoint on sex, no matter what she sees in here.”

Margaret stormed into Doll’s with pink war paint on her cheeks. “After nearly a year of putting it off, Mayor Stevens has agreed to put the battle on the town calendar. It’s finally happening.”

I glanced over at Joanie and we both rolled our eyes. Mayor Stevens had been backing out of the battle for one reason or another since the beginning. I’d grown an entire child and he was still making excuses.

“I don’t think it’s a coincidence he’s more confident to hold the games now that there are more men in town. Men who are built like gods and who seem to be very interested in our special little diner in town.” Margaret wagged her eyebrows at Joanie. “Anything you want to add to this conversation?”

Joanie’s face had flushed a deep red and she shook her head. “Nope. Not a thing.”

My phone rang and I looked down to see it was Justin. I stood up and walked to a corner of the room to answer. “Hey! Is everything okay? How’s Forrest?”

“Everything’s fine, baby. Forrest is great. He’s caught a bunch of fish already.” Justin and the guys had taken my dad and Forrest on a fishing trip for the day and I was a little nervous about Forrest being on the river. The guys weren’t worried about him at all, though. They’d already instilled so much knowledge and confidence in him that he barely seemed like the same kid. He mimicked almost everything they did and acted so much older than seven. That part killed me. I wanted him to be my baby forever.

“Are you taking lots of pictures?” I gently bounced Delilah. “If you feel like it’s too many, take more.”

“I’ve got plenty. I promise.” I could hear the smile in his voice. “Hey, your dad mentioned that he was going to take Forrest home with him tonight. Is there something we forgot about?”

I grinned at the wall of toys in front of me. “Nope. My parents wanted to spend some time with him, so they asked if he could sleep over.”

“How’s Delilah?”

“She’s eating right now, so she’s great. I’ve officially shown my boobs to most of Lilyfield in an attempt to keep your daughter fed. I think she’s a black hole.”

Justin growled. “Violet…”

I pretended to not know what he was going on about. “What? She is. Just this morning, I was at the diner and she wouldn’t stop fussing until I fed her. Half of the training center was there, I swear. Of course, Delilah kicked the blanket off before she latched on so a few dozen soldiers got the full nip and everything today.”