Page 33 of Baby Love

“Since your parents had Brielle and Hollis, you’re about twice as likely to carry fraternal twins,” he explained with an apologetic smile.

“I should have known my little brother and sister would cause problems for me in the future,” I grumbled.

“Are you truly afraid of having twins?” He gently patted my belly. “I’ll be with you every step of the way if that comes to pass.”

“Not really.” I heaved a deep sigh as I straightened and shook my head. “You know how much I love babies, but I have a new respect for how my mom kept up with all of us when we were little. Zade is a handful on his own, and I’m more tired than I expected to be.”

“Because you’re in the first trimester, sunshine.” He twined a lock of my hair around his finger. “Your progesterone levels are rising sharply, which is causing the fatigue.”

I blinked up at him. “If you’re going to be all doctory, we should go to bed so you can take care of my first trimester horniness before I take a nap.”

Demonstrating how smart he was, Chase swept me into his arms and carried me to our bedroom. We put the alone time Zade’s nap gave us to good use, then my husband made sure I got some extra sleep of my own after I fed our bouncing baby boy.

It turned out that I hadn’t needed to worry about carrying twins since I had another beautiful baby boy nine months later. But my relief was short-lived since I turned up pregnant again only a couple of months later. So Maguire and Daphne were practically twins anyway.



The snow fell in big, fat flakes, making our backyard look like a magical winter wonderland. At least, that was how Jenna described it.

I was amazed by how we had our little outdoor paradise in the middle of a bustling city. On days like this, when sparkling white powder covered the world, the schools were canceled, and I had no appointments…it was perfect.

An icy cold blob hit me in the face, and giggles erupted from all around the yard. “Just remember,” I growled playfully. “You started it.”

The giggles turned into shrieks of delight as four little bundled-up munchkins in snowsuits went running wildly. I bent down and scooped snow into my hands, then slowly formed it into a round clump.

Before I could toss the snowball, I was hit by another one, this time from behind. I spun around and stared at my wife, who stood on the deck, smirking.

“Traitor,” I muttered.

“Oh, you have no idea,” she quipped with a tinkling laugh.

In the next second, I was bowled over by four little snow bunnies who plowed right into me. I fell onto my back, laughing when they all pig-piled on top of me.

“We win, Daddy!” Zade shouted at the top of his eight-year-old lungs.

“Win! Win! Win!” Tabitha, our two-year-old, chanted in her sweet baby voice.

Maguire, who was almost seven, and his six-year-old Irish twin, Daphne, had jumped from the pile and were doing an adorable victory dance.

I pretended to go limp, and when all four kids crawled off me, I jumped to my feet and chased them through the yard.

Their giggles never failed to make my heart burst with happiness. Except when they were little cockblockers, then it was something else threatening to burst.

“Okay, kids!” Jenna finally yelled from the porch. “Grandma and Grandpa will be here in twenty minutes. Anyone who doesn’t have a clean room will be staying home.”

All four little snow monsters exclaimed and shot into the house.

I glared at my wife as I ambled up to her. We learned not to bluff when warning our children of discipline long ago. But this was our first night in months without the kids here. We’d finally be able to do more than a quick fuck between taking care of our babies. If any of them decided to be stubborn and not clean their room, my plans to make my wife scream my name all night would be foiled.

“Stop scowling at me, Chase,” Jenna muttered as she turned to go back inside.

My eyes dropped to her swaying hips—they’d filled out even more since having four babies—and I lost my train of thought for a second.

Then the swelling in my pants brought my worry screaming back to me, and I shrugged off my coat, hanging it on one of the hooks in the mudroom. “Sunshine, it’s been—”

She faced me and crossed her arms over her chest, almost distracting me with her big, lush tits. But my blue balls wouldn’t let me lose track of our conversation.