Page 8 of Brutal Desire

She’s probably panicking, and I should—but I can’t find the energy. My head falls back against the seat as the Uber driver pulls out onto the road, my eyes closing as I let out a long, shuddering breath. It feels like I just barely escaped—and maybe I did. I don’t know if he was ever really considering killing me or not, but it seems as if he were the kind of man who might.

I still don’t know who he was. All things considered, that’s probably better—but I can’t help being curious. If he wasn’t someone affiliated with Alfio, then who was he? And why was he there?

Did he kill Alfio?

I can’t imagine someone capable of murder also being the sort of person who would let me go, but I’ve also never met anyone like that—other than Alfio himself. And I know for a fact that in that situation, no amount of minor affection or attempts at seduction would have saved me.

A small, sharp breath escapes me as the truth of the situation settles in. Alfio is dead. Our arrangement is dead too, along with him. And I’m going to have to pick up the pieces and figure out how to make up for what he can no longer give me.

It will mean longer shifts at the club. More hours away from Niki. Relying on Darcy more to take care of him, when I want more than anything to be the one at home helping him with his homework, fixing him dinner, and reading to him before he falls asleep to try and help with the nightmares. The idea of her being the one to take him to and from his therapy session, when I know how much he relies on me, fills me with guilt.

But now, more than ever, there’s nothing I can do about it.

The minute I open the door to the apartment, I hear Darcy’s quick, hurried footsteps. She looks anxious and a little pale, and I instantly feel guilty for forgetting to text her.

“Mila!” She glances back towards the other side of the apartment, lowering her voice. “Niki is in bed. I told him you were at work—he seemed worried. I think he picked up on how worried I was.”

“He’s perceptive like that.” I manage a small smile. “It’s fine. I’m fine. Thank you for keeping an eye on Niki—I’m sorry I forgot to let you know I was okay.”

“It’s alright.” Darcy lets out a breath, the expression on her face suggesting that it’s not really alright, but she’s saying it for my sake. “Just—don’t leave me hanging like that, okay? I was really worried about you. And I couldn’t do anything other than call the cops if I thought something happened to you, and—” She frowns, her mouth twisting a little with lingering anxiety. “I know you said not to do that.”

I didn’t tell Darcy that Alfio was mafia, just that he was someone with a lot of money, who got it in less-than-legal ways. I had to tell her that, at least, so she would know not to do something like call the police if I ever didn’t come home on time—which happened on occasion, when Alfio decided he wanted me for longer than we’d agreed—or when I occasionally had bruises that needed covering, or for Darcy to help me work out strained muscles from being tied in strange ways before going back to ballet. I tried to shield her from what I could, while still giving her some idea of what was going on. I couldn’t ask her to watch Niki and keep everything from her—and I don’t think she would have let me.

“I’m sorry,” I tell her contritely. “Anyway—I won’t be seeing him again. He’s?—”

I swallow hard, glancing towards Niki’s room once more to make sure he hasn’t woken up and wandered out. He sleeps lightly now, and I don’t want him to hear any of this. “He’s—gone.”

Darcy’s eyebrows rise. “Gone, like—he left?”

I bite my lip. I can’t quite bring myself to say the truth out loud. “Gone like—gone.” I give her a meaningful look, hoping she’ll understand, and from the sudden step back she takes as her face pales further, she does.

“Oh, shit, Mila,” she breathes. “Shit. Are you in any danger?”

“No,” I assure her quickly, as firmly as I can. I really don’t think I am—if that man wanted to hurt me, he could have done it then. If he let me go, it’s because he intends to leave me alone. There would be no reason to have done so, otherwise. “I’m sure I’m not. And neither are you or Niki,” I promise. “I’ve just—got to figure some things out now. I’m going to have to pay for Niki’s therapy out of pocket, and I can’t change his doctor, or stop it. It’s been helping him so much. I’m just going to have to pick up extra shifts and…figure it out.”

“Oh, Mila.” Darcy gives me a sympathetic look. I know she wants to say something to make it better, to help, but the truth is that there’s not much she can say. She already watches Niki for free and helps me out in any way that I need. She can’t help me financially—a physical therapist in LA makes decent money, but she’s not rich, either. “I’ll do whatever I can to help you out with Niki. You know I will.”

“I know. You just—shouldn’t have to. He’s not?—”

“Don’t even say it.” Darcy’s voice is firm. “You’re my best friend, Mila. And Niki is your brother. You’re both like family to me. I’m happy to help in any way I can.” She glances over me once, her expression still full of concern. “Are you sure you’re alright?”

“I’m fine,” I promise. “I should just probably get some sleep. You can crash here, if you want?—”

“I think I’ll get an Uber and head home.” Darcy runs a hand through her hair. “I’ll check on you tomorrow. If you’re sure you’re ok?—”

“I’m sure. We should both get some rest.” I give her a hug, waiting until she leaves to close the door behind her and retreat to my own room.

I don’t even have enough energy to shower. I put on a pair of comfy sleep pants and a tank top, taking the money and the watch out of my purse as I slide into bed. I take the money out of the clip and flick through the bills, my heart stopping briefly when I realize that there’s three hundred dollars just casually folded up in cash. It will make up part of what I need for rent, though it’s not enough to entirely solve the problem. Maybe enough to stave off my landlord by giving him a partial payment, with the promise of more soon.

As for the watch—I don’t know enough about watches to have any idea what it is or what the value might be, but it looks expensive. Finding it in Alfio’s mansion pretty much guarantees that it’s worth something; I just have no idea how much. I’ll have to take it to a pawn shop in the morning before practice, and hope that I get a fair price for it.

I set the money and the watch on my nightstand, lying back and closing my eyes. I’m exhausted, but my thoughts won’t stop spinning, and I feel as though I’m not going to be able to fall asleep no matter how hard I try. The man in the hallway lingers in my head—the way he made me feel most of all, and I can’t shake the thought that there was something about the interaction that I missed. Some way that I could have turned it to my advantage.

What are you thinking? You’ve never been at more of a disadvantage. I shake my head at myself, rolling over and curling into a ball. I have a long day tomorrow, and I need to sleep.

Still, it takes a long time before sleep comes.
