Page 65 of Brutal Desire

“I saw you talk to him. At the party after the ballet.”

My pulse feels like a living thing, trying to climb out of my throat. “We have to make small talk with everyone at the party. Especially families like the Campanos, who put a great deal of money into the ballet.”

Egor raises a blond eyebrow. “Is that so? Small talk. Was our conversation small talk, devochka?”

“Yes. And now you’ve come here for a dance.” I emphasize the last part, and he chuckles.

“A dance, then. And no touching.”

I let out a slow breath, hoping that he’s accepted my story. “No touching me. If you want that, you’ll have to talk to one of the other girls.”

“Hmm.” He reclines back, one meaty hand on his thigh. “Alright, then.”

Before I can react, he pulls his zipper down, his thick fingers nimbly pulling out his hard cock. I falter with shock for a moment as his hand wraps around it—short and thick, nothing like what I enjoyed with Lorenzo last night. It’s not the first time a customer has tried it, but I have a feeling he won’t be stopped so easily.

“No touching yourself, either.” I pause, the dance so lost by this point that I wonder if I’ll be able to pick it up again.

“Mm. Dance, krasivayya devochka. Dance while I enjoy you.” His hand jerks his cock lazily, in short strokes as his gaze trails over my body, wrapped in pink lingerie. “Get me a tissue for when I come, eh, devochka?”

Devochka. Girl. I grit my teeth. “You can’t do that. It’s not allowed, unless I offer it as a service, and I don’t. Put your dick away, or I’m calling the bouncer.”

He laughs, rubbing his palm over the tip and back down. “I want to come, devochka. Do as I say.”

“I’m keeping the money,” I warn. “And calling for help.”

Egor seems unfazed, still stroking as he watches me. If anything, my protests seem to be hurrying his arousal along.

“Don’t bother,” he says flatly, his accent thickening as his cock stiffens. “I made arrangements before I even caught you to make sure we would not be bothered. You can yell, but no one will come.”

“You can’t be sure?—”

“Money buys everything.” He slows his strokes, gripping his cock at the base so that I’m forced to see it. He’s the very picture of a man who knows with utter confidence that he can have whatever he wants at this moment, and no one will stop him.

My knees feel weak with fear. My stomach tightens, and I open my mouth, but Egor laughs.

“I paid the bouncer to ignore you. Now hand me a tissue, devochka, and dance for me, or I’ll find some other place to put my cock and my cum. Your pussy or your mouth. Or maybe your pretty ass, if you protest too much.” He begins to stroke again as he speaks, spreading his legs wider, thrusting into his fist as if to demonstrate what he’s imagining doing to me instead of his hand.

Tears well in my eyes, but I fight them back. I remember the way the bouncer avoided my eyes, and I know Egor isn’t lying. Numbly, I make my way to the box, fishing out tissues and restarting the song before I hand them to him. I start to move, forcing myself to go through the routine I’ve repeated so many times, trying not to think of Lorenzo as I do. Of how I wanted this to happen with him.

Egor groans with pleasure, settling in with the confidence of a man who is guaranteed an orgasm. He strokes himself slowly, and then faster, watching me with a look of unbridled lust in his eyes, and I feel as if there’s a ticking bomb in the room. As if, should I falter even a little or fail to entertain him enough with my dancing, it will be so much worse.

He grunts as I turn my back to him, arching my back and mimicking grinding on his lap, his hand moving faster still. “That’s it, devochka. Show me how you would ride my cock.”

Tears well up and spill over, and I wonder how I’ll ever manage to come back here after this. I’ve had bad customers, and bad nights, but it’s never been this bad or gone this far. I feel violated, like I need to scrub myself clean, like I’ll panic every time I come into this room for the foreseeable future. I need this job, and I don’t know how I can ever do it again.

“That’s it, yes, fuck—” Egor groans as I turn, his gaze sliding hotly over me as he fumbles for the tissues, his hips jerking upwards as he starts to come. It’s all I can do to keep the bile from rising up in my throat, to not be sick as his cock spurts into his palm, his teeth clenched as he watches me.

He grunts once more, shuddering, and then sighs. He sits there for a moment, his cock softening, before he tucks himself back in and stands up. “Good girl,” he says carelessly, tossing the tissues aside. “Maybe I come back, get off to your pretty ass again.”

I manage to keep from bursting into sobs until the moment Egor steps out of the room. I stumble towards the table, retrieving the pills, tears flowing down my face. I won’t make it through the rest of the night—I’ll be red-faced and puffy-eyed after this, but I don’t think I could have danced for anyone else, anyway. I grip the edge of the table, on the verge of collapsing, my entire body shuddering as I’m wracked with fearful sobs. I’m half-afraid he might come back at any moment, and I try to pull myself together so I can leave.

When I step out of the room, I don’t see him anywhere. I also don’t see the piece of shit bouncer who didn’t do his job, and for a moment I consider telling Dick. But I’m not sure Dick will care. I’ve thought for a long time that the bouncers were here more for a show of there being someone to protect us than for them to really fulfill that function. For all I know, Dick is getting a cut of the bribe for Egor to be left alone with me.

I stumble back to the dressing room, putting my clothes back on with numb fingers. The room is empty, and I’m thankful for that—I couldn’t stand any questions right now. I grab my bag and stuff the pills into it, hurrying to the back door. Even the smoggy, acrid scent of the back alley behind the Rosebud feels like a relief after the cloying scents of cologne and sex inside.

Checking my phone, I see that a bus should be here any minute. I start to walk towards the stop—only for a dark shape to block me off a moment later, stepping into my path.

I look up, and barely repress a scream as I see Egor standing there.