Who he’s dated is none of your business, remember.

Beau was chewing his lip now, frowning. “It’s funny though—he hasn’t said a word about you, and now suddenly you’re living here.”

“We kept it secret for some time.” Min schooled herself to stay on script, repeating the lines they’d practiced this morning.


“Just because, humans and monsters openly dating is… er, a newish thing, I guess.”

“How’d it happen?”

“He came into the bookshop. And it was… love at first sight, really. We kept it hush hush for a while, but we soon knew… that we wanted to be together, so we… Yeah, so I’m here for a little while.”

“What do you mean, a little while?”


“I said I wanted to get to know his family, and he wanted me to, and then…” She realized she didn’t know what happened next.

“Then…” he prompted, his golden eyes perusing her steadily now.

“I… guess… er…”

“Are you going to marry my grumpy brother? Please fucking do, Min, it’ll get him off my back.”

“It’s still a bit early to think about that, but yes, it’s on the cards.” Min cringed inwardly as she dug herself deeper into a hole. But she’d promised to make this look as real as possible, and that meant lying to everyone, his family included.

“Flaming dragon’s balls, Mom will drive you mad going on about babies. She’ll think you’re the answer to all her grandkid prayers.”

Min’s chest constricted. She hated knowing she was going to disappoint this whole family.

“That is the plan, isn’t it? Marriage, then babies…” Beau mused. “Must say I’d find it cool to be an uncle.”

She laughed. “Oh, Beau, you’re rushing ahead. At present we’re just loving having this time together, and I’m really looking forward to getting to know you all.”

“Yeah, well, maybe don’t tell him about this yet.” He turned over his pad, and she got the feeling a dark mood was descending over him. “Just forget I showed you, okay?”

Goddess, dragons’ moods shifted like the weather.

“I don’t think I could just forget. Those images are so powerful. You’ve really got talent, Beau. I’d love it if you’d show me more of your work sometime.”

He looked at her, chewing on his lip, his eyes unblinking, as if taking her measure. Min made sure she met his gaze squarely.

“Okay, maybe I will. I like you—dunno why, but I do. For once in his life my dumb-assed bro has done something I approve of.”

Min grinned. “It’s been lovely to meet you properly, Beau. And I promise not to boss you around in future.”

He glanced up and grunted a farewell, but she could see a little smile playing at the corner of his lips.

As Min walked back toward the house, she realized she was smiling too.

There was something about interacting with dragons, even sulky adolescent ones, that made her feel good.


When Ethan arrived at his office, the Council of Towns officials were already waiting in the reception area. Damn them for always being so fucking prompt. He strode over and greeted the three men, then with a word to Sonia about refreshments, led them into his office.

“Sorry, an important press engagement ran over time,” he said, motioning for them to sit. There were the usual two, the accountant, Levitt, and the legal rep, Isaac, but the third guy was new to him. A gaunt, rather ferrety looking young guy, with thin sandy hair.