Page 91 of The Billionaire Orc

“And we’ll fit out the cave as our special private hideaway.”

“I’ve always wanted to decorate a cave.” She chuckled.

Tor shifted; his knot had subsided. He withdrew, and they laughed at the lewd sounds their uncoupling made.

“Now I guess we have to look for that cudgel.”

“It’s here somewhere,” she said.

Tor was crawling around in the undergrowth when with a growl, she tumbled him onto his back. Laughing, they rolled around on the ledge, mock fighting.

Until… plop. Into the pool they fell. They came up laughing, wet and bedraggled.

Tor reached for her, beautiful and spluttering, her braids plastered to her head, water cascading down her face. She swam to him and climbed up, her legs circling his hips.

“Are you really mine?” he asked. Looking at the angel in his arms, he could barely believe his luck.

“I’m really yours,” she answered, her blue eyes soft with love. “Ne a alla.” Now and always.

Epilogue 1

Two years later

Tor stood looking out over the deck of his beautiful beachside home, toward Motham Bay, and the purple shadow of Orc Island beyond.

His special island. His and Shona’s. Soon to become a nature sanctuary.

It would always be a special place they went to, just to be away from the business of their professional lives.

Everything was wonderful.

Except for one thing.

The elusive baby they both longed for.

They’d tried everything. Him on top, her propping her butt on a cushion after sex (Ivy swore by it), knotting, not knotting, the special brews that Waldo gave them, taking her temperature. Once, Tor had even rushed out of a board meeting to have sex with her.

It had got a bit stressful of late.

So last time they went to Orc Island, after their passionate lovemaking, they’d decided to drop trying to conceive for a little while.

They would consider full assisted pregnancy. Just not yet.

For now, they would relax and enjoy just being together.

They might even adopt.

Or get a dog. Or two.

“As long as you don’t become one of those doggy obsessed mamas that let them sleep in bed between us,” he’d growled. She’d promised.

It was bitter sweet that Katrina and Lucia had a child now, a little boy.

And Ivy and Bryn had a third.

It seemed everyone was having babies except them.

While Tor was lost in his thoughts, Shona came in, carrying dishes for the naming ceremony of Katrina and Lucia’s baby, August.