From here they ran down a series of dark, winding passages. It was a complete labyrinth under the house, lit by flaming sconces. Finally, they hit cold granite walls and a huge oak reinforced door.
Next to it, two werewolf guards lay trussed up on the ground, three very mean looking gargoyles standing over them.
Grayson was already punching the code into an electronic panel. The doors swung open to reveal a huge interior. In the center was an altar surrounded by hundreds of black candles. But it was more than an altar—it was more like a rack. A rack on which… Tor’s pulse ricocheted. Oh gods, his beloved lay spread-eagled, her dress half pulled off of her, that filthy vampire hovering above her, wearing long black iridescent robes.
Roaring, Tor stormed forward, fueled by limitless rage. With a bellow, he dragged Matteus off her by the scruff of the neck. “You think—” Slam! A big green fist met the vampire’s jaw. “You would harm her—” Now he had the vampire up against the wall, bunching the robes, which he realized were some kind of strange ceremonial outfit … Tor’s anger exploded as he lifted Matteus clean off the ground. “If you’ve hurt a single hair on her head?—”
“You think she’d want you over me, you low life green scum?” Matteus hissed, baring his fangs.
Tor tightened his grip. “I’m going to fucking kill you,” he ground out through gritted teeth.
“Already dead, idiot.” The vampire’s head shot forward, sharp fangs going for Tor’s jugular, but Tor was faster. He punched Matteus in the mouth, and blood spurted from the vampire’s broken lip. He cursed loudly and spat out a tooth.
And then with a howl, he transformed into a bat. The sudden wild beating of his wings caught Tor off guard, and for a second his grip loosened. That was all Matteus needed—he took off toward the domed ceiling. A second later, the dome slid back, revealing the night sky. For a moment, Matteus’s huge veined wings were silhouetted against the moon. “You are going to pay my fucking dental bill,” he screamed, and then disappeared.
Grayson was already in the air, closely followed by Tom. “This calls for wings,” Grayson shouted to Tor. “We’ll get the bastard, you go to Shona.”
Heart pounding, Tor ran to the altar. Gently, he untied Shona’s arms and legs. She was still out cold, limp, and lifeless. With an anguished cry, he took her gently into his huge arms. She slumped limp against his chest, and his heart nearly shattered. She was so pale, so lifeless. Desperately, he checked her neck. There was a tiny trickle of blood from a puncture wound, and his heart turned to ice. Were they too late? No, her breathing was shallow but her skin was still warm. Surely there was hope.
He hugged her to him. “Shona, pet, I’m here, I’m here,” he whispered urgently in her ear. Big salty tears rolled down his cheeks and splashed onto her skin. His words got caught in his throat. Gods in heaven, she was his mate, it was so clear to him now. He’d been trying to be rational because it had all been so fast, but truth was, he loved her. The thought that he may have lost her…
Suddenly Lucia appeared next to him, carrying a little medical kit. He struggled to accept her presence. Unfanged or otherwise, she was still one of them.
“Let me check her, Tor,” she said softly. “I will know if he’s gone… too far.”
Reluctantly, he stepped back and watched Lucia bend her dark head over Shona’s body, her long white fingers feeling for her pulse, and checking her neck and breasts for teeth marks. She took out a small geiger counter and held it over Shona’s body. It gave a series of weak beeps.
When she turned back to him, her smile was relieved. “It’s okay. She’s… still human.”
Tor’s shoulder’s slumped with relief. “Oh, thank the goddess. Lucia, if… would there have been anything we could have done if he’d turned her?”
“It is possible, with the right magic, but difficult, and it has to be within the first few hours. Thank the gods he didn’t get that far. By the sweetness of her breath, I’d say Matteus drugged her with Bloodrose Berry. She may need to take some meds to overcome the nasty hangover. I’ll contact Waldo to organize that.” She turned to go. “I’ll leave you with her for a few minutes.” She hesitated, not quite meeting his eyes. “And Tor, I’m so sorry that I was ever part of that family.”
Tor held up a big hand. “Don’t, Lucia. It’s not your fault.”
“It doesn’t stop me from feeling ashamed of my heritage.” She hung her head. “You orcs have been so good, so kind to me, so accepting. You know I love your sister with all my heart.” She smiled. “And you and Shona are such a perfect couple. Just saying.”
He reached over and squeezed her hand. “Thank you, Lucia.” It felt like he had broken through his distrust of her at last.
She quickly hugged him, and when she moved away they both had tears in their eye as they looked at Shona. “She should come to soon. She’ll likely feel nauseous, and she’ll have a stinking headache, but that should be all.”
When Lucia left, Tor sat by Shona’s side, holding her hand.
Soon Katrina came in, smiling with relief. “They’ve caught him. There was a bit of a struggle, but they’ve managed to chain him to Tom’s leg. No way will he get away from that old timer.”
“Now what?” Tor asked.
“Matteus will go into police custody and hopefully he won’t get bail.”
“I will personally throw away the key to his cell,” Tor growled, stroking his beloved’s spun silk hair.
And then she stirred. She groaned, and opened her eyes.
“Tor…” she breathed softly, blinking, her baby blues hazy. She winced. “Ouch, my head!”
“I know, darling, the fucking bastard drugged you. But hey, you’re safe now.”
He stroked her cheek with shaking fingers.