Page 71 of The Billionaire Orc

This could work. She just needed more time with the young goblin to get her onside.

“Why don’t you get the gown Monsieur Matteus has ready for me? And then maybe you could help me do my hair?”

The goblin’s eyes grew even rounder in her round face. “Yes ma’am. I’d be honored.”

She scurried away and came back with a dress that almost made Shona’s heart stop. It was one of her own designs; it had been shown as the centerpiece of a fashion show, just before she’d split with Matteus. A stunning black silk gown shot with purple and silver thread that glimmered like the wings of an exotic bird, with a myriad of silks strings making up the back. The cleavage at the front plunged almost indecently to waist level.

Shona hid a shudder. The dress provided easy access to her neck and breasts.

There was no mistaking why Matteus had chosen this for her to wear tonight.

She managed to hide her shock as she turned back to the dresser, shaking her partially dry hair around her shoulders as she smiled brightly back at Zoe, who stood gawking at her in the mirror.

“Do you like the dress?” Zoe asked.

“I love it,” Shona said softly, resisting the urge to gag. “Now, let’s style my hair.”

“You’re so beautiful,” Zoe sighed as she tentatively began stroking the brush through Shona’s hair. “Your hair color, is it… natural?”

“Yes. Though I’ll let you in on a secret, I use lemon juice to lift the color.” Okay, so she was doing everything she could to charm Zoe. But it wasn’t insincere. She was the sweetest young goblin. Shona resolved to help her in any way she could—if she ever got out of here.

As Zoe brushed her hair and styled it with a curling wand, Shona pretended she was sitting at her hairdresser’s, the chatty harpy who always did her hair. Somehow, playing make-believe helped her to feel more in control. Zoe told her all about her family and her boyfriend (a troll who also worked here as a driver), and Shona was almost ready to execute her plan when suddenly the door swung open, and in strolled Matteus.



Tor could barely stay interested in the proceedings—the glitz and glitter of the entertainment acts in the grand ballroom of Selig Convention Center, the polite conversation, and the interminable speeches, one of which he would soon be giving. All he wanted was to get back to Motham. What a turn of events—the place he’d loathed was now the one place he longed to be. He yearned to be back in Shona’s arms, the woman he knew he was falling in love with.

Simple as that.

After the main course, he excused himself from the table and went out onto the balcony.

He dialed her number, then frowned when there was no response and looked at his watch.

Where the gods was she?

She couldn’t be on a house inspection, it was too late in the day. His frown darkened; she could at least send him a message. Then he smirked at his own hubris. Just because he kept checking his phone, longing to hear from her, didn’t mean she should be doing the same.

Then again, why not? He’d seen the look of love and tenderness in her eyes when he left this morning.

Quickly he sent her a message to phone when she could, pocketed his cell and went back inside the venue. He’d try again later.

But as the evening wore on and there was still no response, he started to get alarmed.

Supposing she was unwell? Maybe her period pains had overtaken her. Ye gods, should they have made love in the shower?

He hadn’t knotted her, he’d been super careful, gentle. It had been beautiful and tender and sexy as all hell, but… Maybe swallowing his cum had given her stomach pains?

What if she’d had an accident in that little sports car of hers?

What if…

What if she’s decided she’s not into you after all?

You’re an orc. She’s a beautiful human. Maybe she was just curious about orc cock.

He shook his head. If it had been a one-off, maybe he’d accept it as that. But this was insane chemistry between them. The sweetness of their lovemaking and the time they’d spent together, so intimate and close. Surely that was proof.