Page 65 of The Billionaire Orc

She fell silent. Was she thinking about how that Matteus prick treated her? How could he explain an orc’s love and loyalty to their mate? It transcended appearances.

He kissed her forehead. “Listen. You’re beautiful to me, however you look—messed up, perfectly groomed. I don’t care. You’re gorgeous inside and out.”

“Thank you, I—I feel the same about you.”

“Big ugly orc that I am,” he muttered gruffly, trying to hide his elation.

“Seriously, you’re so handsome. Though, I admit I’ve never been heavily into orcs before.”

“Like never, admit it.”

“Okay, I admit it. There was a work gang who used to shout things from the top of building sites at me. About my figure and stuff. It kind of put me off.”

“I’d knock their fat heads together.” He grinned.

“Gosh, you’ll be busy, ripping vampires to shreds, thumping orcs. Watch out, Motham guys, here comes Tor Arquin.” She laughed.

“If they so much as glance at my girl, heck yeah.”

She snuggled into his chest. “I like that.”

“What, me taking out every red-blooded monster in Motham who glances your way?”

“No, being your girl.” She sighed sleepily.

He grunted, his grin a great big crescent moon across his face. “Comfy?”

“So comfy.”

Tor waited until he heard the soft rasp of her breath descend into sleep before closing his eyes and falling asleep himself.

Shona woke to the sound of someone moving around her small kitchen. The scent of coffee wafted down the hall, and a minute later Tor entered the bedroom, wrapped only in a towel.

She sat up, blinking and pushing her hair off her face. “You’re still here.”

“You thought I’d just walk out? Wham, bam, thank you ma’am is not my style.”

“Well, the wham and bam I’ll go for. And I’ll take the thank you too, as long as you don’t leave yet.”

“I won’t.”

“But… you have your awards event tonight. I thought you might have needed to go early.”

“And walk out without saying goodbye? No, there’s still plenty of time before I have to leave. Would you like tea or coffee?”

She frowned, trying to decide.

“Or maybe you’d prefer me?” He waggled his eyebrows comically.

Shona smirked. “Oh, yes. But I probably have morning breath.”

“Yeah, like rose petals.” He knelt over her, indenting the mattress, and nipped little kisses over her lips, then slid his mouth down her neck. Shona arched into him, mewling like a kitten.

“And you, Tor Arquin, are wearing rose-tinted glasses.”

“I think not.” They kissed some more and his hand moved down her body, then rested gently on her belly.

“How are you feeling?”