Page 55 of The Billionaire Orc

Truth was, her menses had always turned Matteus on.

And to be honest, she often felt horny as hell when she had her period. Matteus had taken advantage of that. It had led to a few extremely close encounters, when he’d bitten deep and sucked the blood from her veins, to the point where there was almost no coming back.

After that, she’d vowed to never have sexual contact with a guy during her period ever again.

So, of course going out to dinner with Tor would be safe.

No way would it go any further.



Tor walked through the busy streets feeling oddly deflated despite a strong sense that his offer for Orc Island would be accepted. He’d done enough deals to know when he had the upper hand. But his conversation afterward with Shona, his strong response to comments about her ex, ergh, he’d probably put her right off. If he went on like this, she’d think him no better than a possessive vampire.

Pull your fat orc head in, Arquin.

He was halfway back to his hotel when his phone pinged with a message.

“Dinner tomorrow night would be nice, thank you.”

His heart lurched into his mouth and a big grin slashed across his face.

Suddenly the day looked bright and light and full of sunshine. Right now, if he didn’t get Orc Island, he didn’t even freakin’ care. He was going to have dinner with Shona Dove.

And that was a prize worth more than money could buy.

He stopped and rubbed at the back of his neck, undid a shirt button and, flexing his shoulders, heard a rip in the fabric of his jacket under the armpit. Infernal goddamn suit. He loathed this pandering to humans by dressing like them in meetings. But he knew it had probably worked. The meeting would have gone quite differently if he’d turned up in traditional orc apparel.

Doing business with humans was easy enough if you played by their rules.

Dating a human, that was altogether a different ball game.

They’d kind of done everything ass up when it came to courting. Wild sex first, and now they were having to negotiate the emotional terrain. He’d heard all the tales of how orcs were passionate when they’d found the one… But what if the one was pretty much out of his league? A valley human. Tor sighed. In Selig there were none of these awkward social conventions. You dated whom you liked. Sure, humans and orcs didn’t often get together, but it wasn’t frowned upon. Monsters weren’t second-class citizens.

Shit. He had to talk to someone, get this all off his chest. Get some perspective on a mixed-species coupling.

Katrina. She wasn’t with a human, but she knew the difficulties of inter-species dating.

On a whim, he decided to take a hover cab to where his sister worked in the East Quarter. He’d go and visit Mom and Dad afterwards, maybe take them out for a bite in the old city. They didn’t like going to the Hole In The Wall, it was too modern for their liking, but Old Motham was a place they were comfortable.

When Tor arrived at Tower Security’s offices, Katrina was watching a wall of screens, smartly buttoned up in her green uniform, her braided hair pulled back tightly into a ponytail. She looked very grown up and official, and he felt a surge of brotherly pride.

“Hey bro!” She came bounding over and gave him a hug.

“What, no thump?” He raised his eyebrows.

“Staff here—” She jerked her head to a posse of mixed species all seated at computer screens. “Gotta set an example.” She grinned, then dug a softly curled fist surreptitiously into his gut. He punched her back in the ribs.

“What’s going on?”

“Not much action. Quiet today.”

“That’s good, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, I guess. I like to have something to keep my guys busy though. Having said that, last week was out of control, so we should count our blessings.”

“What happened last week?”