Page 44 of The Billionaire Orc

He toyed with his phone for one more moment, a big green finger hovering over his contacts list.

Then he sighed and put it back in his pocket.



The following morning Shona was at the local news stand as soon as it opened.

She bought several copies of Motham Monthly and hightailed it back to her office.

Sitting at her desk, she flicked to the business section until she saw herself, smiling and confident, in the photos. It felt like looking at stranger.

All that stuff they wrote about her was very flattering, though she grimaced when she saw they’d mentioned her background in the fashion industry, her eyes widening at the mention of the Kominsky brand. She hadn’t told the journalist that detail—they must have done some digging.

She really didn’t need that information out there for troublemakers like Vlad, Matteus’s uncle to pick up on. As the oldest vampire tailor in Motham City, Vlad commanded respect and monsters listened to him. Even though he was a troublemaker by nature who’d held a grudge against her ever since she dumped Matteus.

She sighed and folded the periodical, put it to one side.

There were more important things to think about right now. Like the small matter of buying an island.

Shona’s pulse sped up as she powered up her computer and typed Green Island into the search bar. Green Island was under the jurisdiction of the Counsel of Towns. That was no surprise. She read through the history. It was just as Tor had said: after a number of sea patrol boats had disappeared into the whirlpool, humans had stopped policing the waters. Moogle abounded with stories about the island being inhabited by dangerous and venomous creatures.

She couldn’t help a little smirk.

Greks. And tree squirrels and little bright orange and green spotted frogs.

But the smile was almost immediately replaced by a huffed sigh. She was so full of mixed feelings right now, so confused. Every time she thought about her night with Tor, a deep yearning filled her, mixed with shame in the pit of her stomach.

It wasn’t that they’d had sex. That didn’t bother her—she could make her own choices on that front. But that she’d done it with a client, one she barely even knew, and worse, not used protection.

Unforgivable, Shona D.

But despite her so-called liberated views on sexual equality, she did wonder what he now thought of her, even after his insistence she keep working for him. She guessed she had to trust they’d sorted it and put it behind them, like two sensible adults. Except right now she didn’t feel at all adult; she felt like kicking her desk and screaming.

All night she’d tossed and turned, thinking of their amazing make-out session in the cave. The sounds they’d made, the sensations, made more erotic because it had all happened in the dark.

And dear goddess, how wonderful it had felt taking his knot deep inside her.

Of having all that orc sperm gush into her.

Rutting. That word made her gasp. She never thought in such crude terms.

But… It had felt so primal, so right… hadn’t it?

She shook her head, sighed heavily. That didn’t excuse her for taking such a risk.

Her periods were notoriously irregular. She thought she was due in a few days. She’d probably ovulated way before last night, but honestly, having had no relationship for a while, she hadn’t bothered to monitor it that closely.

Shona closed her eyes and groaned.

Enough of this. Get on with your work!

She blinked and stared back at the info on the screen, rubbed the frown line between her brows with a pink-tipped finger. The task felt overwhelming, to be honest. She really wasn’t sure where to start. Then she had a brainwave. She’d call Edgar, her old boss. He may be retired, but he’d said if she had any issues she could contact him. And he knew about wheeling and dealing between monsters and humans. He had contacts everywhere.

He picked up after a couple of rings.

“Shona, how are you?”