Page 39 of The Billionaire Orc

His heart dropped lower than the rock floor of the cave.

He thinned his lips. “I need a small aircraft of some kind—one that’s able to travel outside of Motham.”

“Ethan owns the whole network, jets, hover cabs, the lot. He’ll be able to supply one.”

“Great. It needs to have capacity to land on rough terrain. Tell him Orc—er, Green—Island. No expense spared.”

“When for?”


He heard Merle huff a sigh. “Okay, Tor. Give me the details and I’ll make it happen.”



Shona watched the hover cab as it grew from a tiny black dot in the sky into a bright orange and yellow sphere above their heads.

She just wanted to get out of here, put some distance between them, but that tiny capsule meant she’d be squeezed up against Tor’s body on the journey back. And that would be challenging.

Earlier, after she’d washed in the pool—hoping that some strong-swimming little orc sperm hadn’t been left deep inside her—she’d dried herself. Real slow. Then walked up to the cave. Real slow. Pretended a fascination with the vegetation in the moonlight along the way. Finally, when she’d got to the cave, they’d lain a bit apart, and somehow she’d got some sleep. When she woke at dawn, Tor had everything packed away, the fire cleaned up. There was barely a sign of them being here.

Or of their wild, crazy, passionate night together.

He looked at her and his mouth twisted into what she guessed was a smile. “Good sleep?”

She felt like crawling into a corner of the cave and dying of embarrassment, if he really wanted to know.

She lied, “Yes, thanks.”

“I’ve got us a flight back to Motham,” he said briskly. “But we have to be ready and waiting in half an hour.”

“At the cove where the Selkie dropped us?”

“No, up on the spot where I…” He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Where I want to build my house.”

So he still wanted to go ahead with his crackbrain idea to buy the island? She’d thought maybe after last night he’d hightail it back over the mountain ranges so fast she wouldn’t even catch his shadow. But no, he still seemed intent on going ahead. She would have to recommend another realtor.

She nodded mutely now, and he handed over her cardigan.

“I guess I’ve lost my shoes forever,” she sighed as she stood up. She’d loved those strappy sandals.

“I’ll track down that bloody selkie, and he’ll wish I hadn’t found him,” Tor responded darkly. “I’ll get your shoes back.”

After that, they’d trudged in silence up to the rocky outcrop overlooking the waterfall. It was still beautiful, washed even brighter and more lovely by the heavy rain. The smell of the earth was fresh and rich.

But even though the sky was blue, Shona felt a heavy cloud over her head.

As the hovercopter took off now, she cast a sideways glance at Tor from under her lashes. His profile was brooding yet majestic with his strong brow and jaw. She swallowed a sigh. That was the worst of it, wasn’t it? She still found him unbearably attractive. Even though of course, she wouldn’t dream of taking it any further.

Heck, would he even want to? She’d more or less forced him to knot her. What on earth must he think of her now? Another glance gave nothing away. His profile was impassive, his expression impossible to read. Shona’s gut twisted. It was almost felt like a dream. If she wasn’t sore in places that hadn’t seen much action of late, she’d be certain she’d imagined the whole thing.

That wild wanton part of her had been under lock and key for so long. and now she’d let it out at the most inopportune moment.

What if he told someone?

What if the news got out that she’d got down and dirty with a client.