Page 29 of The Billionaire Orc

“I really have no idea. The island has its own strange little ecosystem. I don’t know, the soil maybe, or the weather patterns? Or magic?”

She turned her head and looked at him. “Really, you believe that?”

“Yeah, why not?”

His dark gaze held hers as he turned his head and glanced at her, and she realized she was mirroring his posture, hugging her knees, her breasts against her thighs. She could feel her nipples harden just from his glance. The dampness between her legs was kind of… exciting. Liberating.

Every cell in her body felt alive, tingling with desire. She imagined lying back on the warm rock, arching her back and inviting him to lie between her thighs.

Take her.

No preamble.

No foreplay even.

Just to have him thrust into her, right up to that huge knot.

She must have let out a little sound, because he glanced sharply at her. “Okay?”

Luckily, her arms and legs were goosebumping. “I think I’m a little too cold to keep sitting here.”

“Let’s swim back then.”

She nodded and bit her lip. If she stayed on this rock another moment she’d probably pull him into a kiss. And gods only knew where that would end up.

She had to get her clothes back on and her professional persona firmly back in place.

Diving back in, she swam fast.

By the time she reached the towel and her clothes, she had calmed her hormones down enough to feel a little more in control of her body.

As she wrapped the towel around her, he strolled languorously past, water dripping off him. His butt cheeks were all hard planes and hollows, his thighs like hewn logs, but his hips lean. Despite his size, he was like poetry in motion.

Shona huffed out a ragged breath and tugged her sundress over her head.

Back to business.

Shortly after, he joined her, now fully dressed, thank the gods, and patted his rucksack. “I’ve got wine and cheese and crackers and figs and olives.” His eyebrows waggled. “To celebrate buying Orc Island.”

She laughed. “You haven’t yet.”

“But I will. And you will help me.”

So that was it, he was simply wooing her to do a good job. Of course. A pointy little stab of disappointment hit her in the stomach. Any chemistry she’d been imagining was exactly that. Her imagination.

She watched as Tor laid out the snacks, fine cheese and little crackers, figs and plump green olives on a small board, then brought out a knife, a bottle of wine and two goblets. Yep, he’d thought of everything.

He filled her glass and handed it to her, and she found herself fixating on the line of his muscular bare arm, those powerful hands and big, blunt fingers… How would they feel, touching her, stroking her…

Oh, stop it.

“So you came here quite a lot as a kid?” she asked.

“Not often—it wasn’t safe to. I could count the number of times on one hand. It was work and very little play for orc kind.”

“What work did you do?”

She thought she saw his mouth tighten. “I worked down the mines. Left school at fourteen, we didn’t have enough money for me to stay on and get an education. But I was street smart, and physically strong by then. Dad being a foreman helped. I got to see how things worked more than some.”