Page 85 of The Billionaire Orc

“Yes, he told me a bit about that.”

“But you know, with Tor there was always a sense that he was going to make something more of his life. He was a really clever kid in other ways. He learned all about rocks and minerals, knew how to find the seams of coal in the mines like it was a sixth sense. He was often sent off before the rest of his team to do the initial exploration. It was like his hands could feel the density of the rock change.”

“That’s incredible.”

“Yes, and then the wicked boy ran away.”

“He feels very guilty about that, Lena.”

Lena sighed. “Put us all through hell he did, but we forgave him. Orcs don’t hold onto grudges. It’s not our way.”

“Unless maybe it’s against vampires,” Shona said, her lips quirking.

“Oh, he had some bad times at school with them, for sure.”

Lena showed her Tor’s wardrobe. His school uniform. Leather shorts and a leather waistcoat, but with a school badge on the lapel. His prom suit.

“Who did he take?” she couldn’t help asking.

“Some girl who had a major crush on him, can’t even remember if she was orc. Tor was always a little detached. Waiting for the one, I think. And now he’s found her.”

Shona looked through Tor’s old garments, feeling the soft leather. “And this?” she asked, eyeing what appeared to be a leather G-string ornately decorated with beading and tassels. “Oh,” Lena huffed a laugh. “Now that is a special mate-bonding sporran.”

She gave a sly sideways look at Shona. “Daresay he’ll be wanting that back. For a special occasion.”

“Special occasion?”

“It’s a very personal thing, we call it Orcbind. The orc and his beloved go off into the wilds somewhere. A chosen secret place between them, where…” Lena laughed, a little embarrassed. “Well, I guess you get my meaning. The male orc’s parents keep their Orcbind costume at the ready. For when the time comes.”

“Sounds wonderful,” Shona mused softly.

“I think the time is nigh,” Lena said. “Let me show you what the woman wears.”

The outfit she presented was exquisite, made of soft chamois leather. There was a little leather skirt, and a beaded waistcoat similar to the male orc’s sporran. Amazingly, Shona worked out it was pretty much her size. How strange.

“The female wears this silk blouse too.” Lena held it up, and the light almost shone through it, it was so fine. Shona gasped. “It’s beautiful.”

“Shame it often gets ripped to pieces. And then of course, the lassy braids her hair. Then after Orcbind comes the wedding, then orclings…”

Shona sighed quietly, knowing that might be harder to navigate for a human and an orc.

She felt the fabrics again between her fingertips. The leather was so soft it almost felt like silk, and the blouse like gossamer. “Daisy moth silk?”

“Aye, I believe so.”

“And then there’s this.” Lena had a smirk on her face as she brought it out.

Shona laughed. It was a little cudgel—beautifully carved, but clearly a cudgel. It had a decorative beaded handle. “To beat your mate with.”

“I’m meant to beat him?” Shona’s breath hitched in disbelief.

“Well, you have to fend him off.”

“Really, Lena, I can’t say I’d want to.”

Lena clucked her tongue. “It’s all carefully sequenced. It’s more like a dance really. The lassy has her moves, and he has his. It’s not like you go in and just beat each other up. It’s kind of like…” She smirked. “Foreplay, I guess.”

“Oh gosh.” Shona’s mind was spinning with all the fascinating orc traditions.