Page 76 of The Billionaire Orc

He shrugged lazily, his hand stroking down her neck. Shona made herself relax as his fingers moved lower. “What is there to explain? You’re here, where you belong, with me. Seems a simple enough conclusion to come to.”

“Oh, Mattoo.” She forced herself to say the pet name she’d used when they were a couple, adding a little pout for effect. “I’ve heard nothing from you for months, and then suddenly, out of the blue, you appear. What’s a girl to do? You hurt my feelings.”

He smirked. “You thought I’d forgotten you? Never. I’ve been keeping tabs on you, my love.”

She thought of the time at Bellamy’s—she’d been sure it was him. But, unless he’d been working to extend his vanishing skills, surely she would have spotted him on other occasions?

Gathering every ounce of her strength, she let a smile play around her lips and laid a hand on his arm. It felt thin and sinewy compared to another arm she had gotten used to. How radically her tastes had changed.

“My beautiful dove,” he purred, gazing down at her out of narrowed eyes, his breathing slowing in the way it did before he went into one of his sexual trances, his finger sliding down to the swell of her breast.

No way.

She stepped quickly back.

“You know my blood is at its sweetest when I am happy, and right now I am not happy about this, Mattoo. I don’t like being tied up, shoved in the boot of a car, and kidnapped. It isn’t the way to prepare me.”

“My bad.” Matteus smirked. “I thought after being with an orc you would enjoy being roughed up a little.”

Keeping her seductive smile firmly in place, Shona ground her molars until her jaw ached.

“You haven’t answered my question, Mattoo. Why did you abduct me? Wouldn’t asking me out to dinner be more effective?”

Matteus’s visage darkened. “And risk a refusal? You did end our engagement, three days before the wedding. Not good for a guy’s ego, little dove. And now… this debacle with the orc.” He sauntered over to the drinks cabinet. “I fully intended to woo you back sweet and slow, but when Vlad contacted me…”

Shona stiffened. So Vlad had overhead her conversation with Ivy. She knew it.

“… and told me about your… error of judgment, shall we say, I realized I needed to come back immediately and claim you. For all the hounds in hell, what induced you to date a fucking orc?” He spat the words at her with a sneer. “You’ve let your standards drop since we parted.”

She wanted to spit back at him, “Orcs are a far superior species than you’ll ever be.” But she managed to keep her face indifferent. “Forget the orc, he was just a fling.” Her heart nearly died saying that.

Matteus’s lips formed a nasty sneer. “The documentary made you see the error of your ways, I hope.”

She mock-shuddered. “Oh, yes. I made a big mistake.”

The mistake was ever thinking I loved you, you bat-faced creep.

Matteus held up a bottle of wine. “Can I help you to a glass of my very own vintage? I recommend the red, but I have a lovely rosé or a chardonnay if you prefer.”

Wary, she said lightly, “I’ll have whatever you’re having.”

He clearly guessed where her thoughts were going. “You think I’d drug you? Really, my dove? By the evening’s end you will be desperate for my bite, begging me to take you to a beautiful place.” He shrugged. “To prove I would never stoop to that, I will drink some first.”

She watched him take several sips before accepting the glass he offered her.

“Come, let’s sit on the patio while we wait for dinner to be served.” His hand circled her elbow as he led her through the French doors.

He guided her to a seat by a pool. Vines trailed in the canopy above their heads, there was a glow in the distance from the setting sun, and stars twinkled in the sky overhead. In any other circumstances, it would have been beautiful. The air was quickly cooling, but she refused to shiver, knowing he would use it as an excuse to touch her.

“This is stunning—and all yours now, Matteus.” She feigned admiration as she sat down. Matteus flashed her a smug, indulgent smile as he sat down opposite her. He was so easily flattered. “How long have you owned it?”

“Two years.”

“How did you persuade humans to sell you the land?”

“It wasn’t hard. I had things to offer in return.”

She cocked her head. “What kinds of things?”