Page 49 of The Billionaire Orc

Her mouth quirked up at the corners. “Like you offered to do to Matteus? Tempting.”

He nodded. “Happily. I’d knock all their sleazy heads together. Tie them up by their wings with silver tape, then hang them out to dry in the midday sun.”

She laughed now, and he loved seeing that frown disappear. “When you say it like that, it does take the power out of them.”

“Bullies are never powerful. They are cowards who get their kicks out of intimidating others. Are you sure you don’t want me to teach him a lesson before he goes?”

“No, it would just make him more vindictive. But I appreciate the sentiment.”

Tor scowled again at the vampire, who waved a slim hand and bared his teeth before the cab took off and zoomed away.

Turning back to Shona, Tor was certain she shuddered.

Trying to lighten the mood again, he said lightly, “I was just heading for a drink. Working from my hotel room all day drove me a bit insane.” As did memories of you, he thought, but he kept that to himself. “Fancy joining me?”

“Oh—I…” Mixed emotions flooded her face. “I’ve just had dinner with my friend, so…”

Tor cringed internally. She probably thought he was coming on to her. “Forget it then. How about I at least wait while you hail a cab?”

“I’m walking. I live above the office, so I’m only five minutes away.”

“That’s convenient. And unusual, a human living in the center of Motham.”

“Yeah, well, it was part of the deal with Edgar when I took over the business. He threw in the apartment at a peppercorn rent. I’m very grateful for that, it saves commuting.”

“You used to come all the way from Twill?”

“No, I lived in Be-Tween. That’s the new town set up for humans who work in Motham. But it’s still a forty-five minute drive, and this is much more convenient.”

“Are you okay if I walk with you?” Quickly, he added, “No agenda, I’d just like to stretch my legs a bit.”

“Sure, of course.” They fell into step together and he liked the way she easily kept up with him even though she barely reached his chest. She was leggy. Oh yeah, he remembered those legs, soft and pliant with his head buried between them, the feel of her smooth skin against his tusks.

Her words drew him out of his lewd thoughts. “Actually, I appreciate you coming with me. Seeing Vlad fazed me a bit.”

“That family have really left you with some bad memories, haven’t they?”

She shrugged. “I’m fine unless I see one of them. Then, yeah, it sets off a bit of a spiral.”

“What kind of spiral?”

“Ruminating thoughts, the fear… I guess that—” she hesitated, “—that Matteus will try and make contact again.”

Tor felt his hands fisting at his sides. He slid them into his pockets so she wouldn’t see.

“Did he stalk you?” Right now, he wanted to stride around Motham until he found the bastard, and when he did, he sure wasn’t planning to say a polite hello.

“Yes, I guess you’d call it that. Notes on my car windscreen, flowers on the doorstep, that kind of thing.”

“Did you report it to the police?”

She gave a little bark of a laugh. “Police. Really? Here in Motham? They wouldn’t care.”

“My sister would keep an eye out for you,” Tor said gruffly.

She glanced at him, confused, and then remembered. “Oh yes, she works for Tower Security, doesn’t she?”

“Yep, she would happily organize you some security.”