Page 41 of The Billionaire Orc

“Excellent.” He stood, hitched up his pants, and she made sure she kept her eyes well above his waistband. Even so, warmth flooded her at the memory of how he’d felt filling her, satisfying her, swelling and spilling deep inside her as he shouted his release. The most amazing orgasm she’d had in years… gods, maybe ever.

And then another thought drowned that one out.

What if you’re pregnant by him?

How the hell would they put it behind them then?

“What’s up with you, bro? Werecat got your tongue?”

Tor roused himself from staring at the fire and looked at his sister “W-what?”

“You’ve barely said a thing since you got here,” Katrina grumbled. “Mom and Dad will be back from Dad’s medical check-up soon. You better cheer up by then.”

He shrugged his big shoulders. Went over and stirred the rich beef stew simmering in the fireplace, just for something to do. “Sorry, I’ve got a lot on my mind.”

“Hmmmph. Like what?”

“Work,” he lied. “I’ll have to go back to Selig shortly.”

Katrina grimaced. “Oh Tor, already? Why?”

“I’m been nominated for an award for innovation in exploration. And I’m also the plenary speaker at the function.”

“I can’t believe you! No sooner are you back than you go again. Will you ever put us first?”

“I’m sorry sis.” He paused, then burst out impetuously, “Look, I’ve already found where I want to buy. The ball is rolling.”

“That’s something.” Katrina ambled over and crouched next to him, kneading the dough for Dokka on the big hearth. “Whereabouts?”

Tor paused, his breath hitching strangely in his throat as he thought about last night. The way he’d left Shona, on an uneasy truce. Truce? Heck, they’d made love, not war.

Made love. Strange how those words were the only ones that fit, even though they barely knew each other. The experience had been intense. Unforgettable. And now what? The best thing would be to keep his distance for a while, let things settle. But no way was he going to release her from her contract with him.

For two reasons.

One: He wanted Orc Island.

And two: he wanted her.

“Hey, dumbass, are you even listening? I said, where is it?” Katrina’s demand made him jump to attention.

“Orc Island.”

Katrina turned and stared at him. “Green Island? The place you and Dad used to go to in secret. And never took me.”

He nodded. “But it’s called Orc Island, Kat, you know that.”

“I guess I’m used to calling it by its human name. But whatever it’s called, you can’t just go and buy an island, Tor.”

“Why not?”

“Islands aren’t for sale. And anyway, you aren’t that rich.” Her eyes widened. “Are you?”

Tor couldn’t hide a smirk. “I am, actually. And everything’s for sale, you just have to be prepared to pay.”

“Well fuck me.” Her jaw dropped. “I knew you had coin. But not that much coin. Can you buy me and Lucia a new condo?”
