Page 32 of The Billionaire Orc

Fuck. No boat.

She picked up on his tension straight away. “What’s up?”

“The damn selkie isn’t here.”

“Maybe he’s gone to another bay.”

“This is the only bay you can moor in and that fucking selkie knows it.”

Tor located his cell and dialed. No answer from the selkie. Tried again. He looked at the water getting choppy, the light dwindling. He knew from his times coming here as an orcling that the weather could change in moments. He glanced up at the sky. A sultry spring storm was rolling in—the water would not be safe for vessels now.

Even if he called a hover cab it wouldn’t be able to land if a storm was coming in.

Damn it. This meant one thing and one thing only—a night spent on the island.

With Shona.

He glanced over at her in her flimsy little dress, woefully unprepared for a night out in the elements. He was an idiot for thinking a selkie would stay put and wait for them if there was a chance of making money elsewhere.

Now what? Tor thought fast. His best option was to head back to the cave near the waterfall. Build a fire. They still had some food and wine left, and they could drink the water from the pools.

He would find a way to keep her warm.

His cock obligingly thickened.

Holy goddess. His libido muscled in at the most inappropriate moments.

He turned to Shona. “No answer. That useless Selkie has bailed on us.”

“Why would he do that?”

“Their kind are always out for a dollar, I’ll guarantee he tried to fit in another job and got stuck somewhere. And now he’s too chicken to answer my calls. I’d forgotten how shonky services could be here in Motham.”

“I’ll try not to take that personally.”

“I didn’t mean…” Hell’s demons, he wasn’t handling this well. Tor raked a hand over his braids.

“Maybe a hover cab could fly over and pick us up?” Shona asked.

“I thought of that, but with the weather turning and darkness falling, it wouldn’t be safe.”

“Oh.” She looked crestfallen. “But I’ve only got this dress and…”

“Don’t worry.” He tried to sound reassuring. “We’ll go back to the cave near the waterfall and I’ll light a fire. We’ve still got plenty of snacks. We’ll be fine.”

She looked at him with an expression he couldn’t read. But somehow, he sensed it wasn’t fear.

“Okay.” She gave a little shrug of resignation. “I guess there’s nothing else we can do.” She looked suddenly anxious. “What if there are bats in the cave?”

“Unlikely, but if there are, they certainly won’t be vampires.”

Her smile was crooked in the dying light. “Yeah, well I guess I’d spot one of them a mile off.”

Another rumble of thunder and a flash of lightning and Tor knew there was no time to waste. “We’d better be quick or we’ll risk a drenching.”

Speedily, they headed back the way they’d just come.

Before long, Tor had them set up, a fire ready to light, while Shona sat on the ledge and gazed out at the storm rolling in. A big raindrop splashed on the rocks, then another.