Page 69 of Family Ties

“Hush. You have enough money for a few lifetimes. Using your credit card to make sure that my grandson has snow boots is hardly going to bankrupt you,” Alice says.

“Nonna!” Matteo says, abandoning his breakfast and jumping off the kitchen stool to get closer to one of his favorite people. The feeling is mutual, and Alice beams at him.

“Did mommy say yes?”

He nods his head, bouncing up and down on the soles of his feet. Alice stretches out a hand for him to take, which he does enthusiastically, and they bound out of the room together.

The anxiety is immediate. I gnaw on my bottom lip as Matteo eagerly chatters away about what he wants to do once they get to the park. The swings have always been his favorite, but he’s become more fond of the slide lately.

“He’ll be okay.”

“I know,” I say. My voice is a low whisper, but under the layer of anxiety, I know Enzo won’t let anything happen to him. He added more cameras all over the property, and he and Andy have been vetting everyone who has access to the house. Even the men they trust the most have been under question.

To distract myself from the anxiety, I weave a hand behind his neck and pull his mouth down to mine. When our lips meet, I waste no time to deepen the kiss. I let his mouth and tongue distract me from my worries, washing them away in the heat of the moment.

He pulls away from me. “I have two regrets about the first time I met you. The first is that I let you leave. I should have just kept you here with me forever.”

“And what’s the second?”

“That I fucked you on a bench instead of a bed. Let me make it up to you. Let me show you what it should have been the first time that we made love. “

I don’t share his regret about the bench. It wasn’t what I pictured, and it certainly wasn’t something you would find in fairytales, but it was raw, and it was real. I nod my head in agreement anyway, because I’m not stupid. If Enzo thinks he owes me a session of sweet sex, then I’m happy to collect from him.

He turns me around on the barstool and guides me to wrap my legs around his hips. The sleep shorts I wore last night are just on the right side of indecent, and he uses that to his advantage. He grips onto my upper thigh and I have to fling my arms around him when he lifts me up. The entire time, he never removes his lips from mine, even when I squeal from the movement.

“Hi,” I say. I’m giggling as he presses his forehead to mine. Our bodies are pressed tightly together and I can feel how turned on he is, but instead of grinding on me or squeezing where he has his hands, he kisses my nose.

Then he squeezes my ass and thrusts his covered cock into me. Balance. If he was too sweet, I’d wonder where my fiance went.

He walks me through the living room. I don’t realize we aren’t alone until we hear hoots and hollers. I bury my head in his neck, not wanting to see who’s witnessing this. Someone, I think Gio, yells out, “Baby number two on the way.”

The words make me freeze. Enzo and I had spoken about me going on birth control, but I hadn’t. There hadn’t been time for me to go see a doctor. And since then, he’s definitely come inside of me.

I don’t have time to worry before Enzo is pushing the door to our bedroom open and lowering me onto the bed. He kisses down my neck, licking and sucking at all the places he knows drives me crazy. I push him away.

“If this was the first time, you wouldn’t know how I like my neck kissed.”

“You underestimate me, cuore mio. From the very second I met you, I knew how to read all of your cues. I might not have known right away, but I would have by the time we made it to the bedroom.”

I can’t argue with him. Not when his hands move to grope my breasts and I let out a guttural groan. They’re just on the side of two sensitive, but he knows just how to handle them. After one last kiss, he moves further down my body.

“Here’s another regret- I regret not tasting you on the night that we met. Though I think if I knew how sweet you are, I would have never been able to let you go.”

There’s no hesitation when he eats me. The scruff of his unshaven face scrapes against my thighs as his tongue attacks my slick core. It’s brutal. Unforgiving. And it has me gasping out unrepentant moans while I bury my hand in his hair. I’m not sure if I’m trying to pull away or plead for more with the way I was tugging on his hair and thrusting my hips up into his face. He nips at my clit before pulling away from, leaving me whimpering at the fact that I haven’t come yet.

“If this was our first time, I wouldn’t want you to come on my face. I’d want your first orgasm to be while I was inside of you.”

He crawls his way back up my body, and I can taste myself on his lips. It’s intoxicating, the way we’re mixed together. My fingers clutch his shirt, and I realize how unfair it is that he’s still dressed while I’m half naked.

“If this was our first time, would you be keeping us this dressed?”

“No, I regret that as well. I wanted to see your stunning body so fucking badly, but I knew we didn’t have enough time in the garden. Plus, that dress had so many damn layers.”

I giggle. There wasn’t a chance that we would have been able to get that dress off me out in the garden.

He strips my shirt off me and then takes his own. I relish in the feeling of his skin against mine, the way his strong, muscled body feels against my softer one.

“You know what I don’t regret about our first time? Fucking a baby into you. Let’s see if I can do it again.”