Page 4 of Family Ties

Except, I think my father mentioned Eric would bring his daughter.

God, I’ve seen no one so beautiful in my life.

Weddings normally drag. I have no interest in listening to the hollow vows when we all know underneath them, this is a business dealing. I’m a master of patience, but I find I don’t have to tap into it. Not with this angel sitting in the audience. Instead of focusing on the ceremony, I focus on her.

Before I know it, the ceremony is over. I’m delayed on clapping after their first kiss as a married couple, though I notice Bianca cringe away from Andy as soon as their lips touch. I’ll have to give him shit about it later, maybe remind him to brush his teeth the next time he tries to kiss his wife. It'll have to wait until I’ve introduced myself to the redheaded woman.

Andy and Bianca make their way back down the aisle, and others filter out after them. My father catches me before I can head into the reception.

“You looked a little lost up there, see something you like?”

Right now, he’s my father instead of being the ruthless don of the Lombardi family. He’s the man who has watched me grow up, the man who can read me shockingly well. It’s the only reason I don’t worry about my unrepentant gaze on the young redhead.

“Eric’s daughter…”


“Emma. Yes, her.”

I don’t need to say more for my father to understand what’s happening. He lets out a hearty laugh and shakes his head in amusement.

Out of everyone in our family, I’m the only one who will get to choose my partner. My father insists upon it. As the future don, my future partner needs to be loyal to me and me alone. If our vows are a part of a business exchange, then she may hide her true motivations from me.

My father married my mother for love. He told me he knew the moment he saw her and said it would probably be the same for me.

“She’s young. At least wait until the girl gets through university.”

I grit my teeth. I haven’t gotten to talk to her and I’m already being told I’ll have to stay away from her for four years. The refusal is on the tip of my tongue, but my father holds up his hand.

“She’s been looking forward to this for years if Eric is to be believed. If she is going to spend the rest of her life as a mafia wife, the least you can do is give her four years,” my father tells me. It isn't a request, it's a demand.

Four years is a lifetime. A lot can happen in four years. Yet, after four years, my father is right. A mafia wife’s life is probably far from what she imagined her life would look like. Eric has always kept her separate, wanting to give her the option of having a normal life. She probably doesn’t realize some of the most dangerous people in the world surround her.

“Fine. Am I at least allowed to introduce myself?” I ask him. He gives me an approving smile before he pats his arm on my back.

“I can do better than that for you. Now that the wedding is over, there is business that needs to be completed. How about I take Eric with me, and you get her alone for a few moments?”

A devious smile takes over my face. I know how my father does business. Despite this being rather straightforward, they had hammered out all the details out during the engagement period, it’ll take my father at least an hour before he’ll be ready to sign anything.

A lot can happen in an hour.

Eric has always been cautious about his daughter. He’s never brought her to events before, although he’s always had an open invitation to do so. He doesn’t keep photos of her lying around, and I know the man doesn’t do social media. I finally understand why. Emma is a woman who unconsciously demands attention from everyone around her. Bringing her to events as an unwed woman is dangerous. Eric knows that.

My father approaches their table first. Eric tenses when my father comes over. I can already tell he’s going to be an obstacle, and that’s a shame because Emma is fond of her father. Even from a distance, I can tell she respects him.

Since I can’t hear their conversation from where I’m sitting, I sit back and observe. My father will cue me when I’m needed. A simple glance up at me and I know it’s time for me to move in.

“Eric, I have some paperwork that needs to be finished up quickly before we can continue with the festivities. Would you mind coming with me?”

Eric stiffens in his chair as his eyes glance at his daughter next to him. The struggle is obvious. He can’t say no to my father. He’s paid too handsomely to not listen. Yet leaving with my father means leaving Emma alone.

She doesn’t understand my world. I wouldn’t want her to be alone out here as well. Tonight we might celebrate my cousin’s wedding, but the party is. a facade. Everyone here has an agenda. Being here puts her in danger, but it’ll only become worse for her once my interest in her is discovered. I can already tell she is going to be my greatest weakness.

“Don’t worry about her. I’ll keep her company while you and Father sort out the business side of things. Can’t leave a beautiful woman like her alone at these sorts of events.”

Her face betrays her emotions when she turns to look at me. Her mouth pops open, her eyes grow wide and dark, and a blush spreads through her cheeks. I follow her blush, watching it creep down her neck down to her dress. Thanks to the deep neckline, I can see it ends somewhere around where the small swell of her breasts begins.

I wonder if I can get her entire torso to light up red when she rides me.