Page 72 of Family Ties

“Hey baby, I hear we have a wedding we have to prepare for.”

I nod my head, wiping my tears away as Enzo introduces himself to my aunt. Apparently, they had talked on the phone while Enzo had been arranging for us to come down.

Enzo took to installing the car seat in my aunt’s car, taking Matteo with him and giving me a second alone with my aunt. “So, this is the baby’s daddy? I can see why it was love at first sight for you.”

A fiery red blush lit up my cheeks. During that year I spent with my aunt, she would listen as I went on and on about Enzo. Endless therapy sessions that required hot chocolate afterward, nights when I couldn't sleep. She was there for everything.

We drop Matteo and Enzo off at my aunt’s house, Matteo excitedly dragging his daddy to go see the animals my aunt has. Her farm has grown, with more chickens and miniature cows, and I think she got an alpaca. The animals have always been Matteo’s favorite part of visiting her.

My aunt drives us to a small boutique that looks like they have completely shut down for my appointment. They have a variety of dresses ready in my size, things that won’t require altercations since Enzo insists we get married tomorrow.

After the appointment, and finding a beautiful dress, my aunt and I head back to her car. When we’re inside, I glance over at her. “Hey aunty, do you think we can make a quick stop on the way home? I need to grab something from the drugstore.”

Chapter Forty-Nine- Enzo

Emma’s aunt’s phone number flashes on my screen while Matteo is petting the miniature cow. I don’t know what the point of a miniature cow is, apparently, she doesn’t get milk from it, but with the way Matteo is loving on it, I’m afraid we’ll have one soon as well.

“Hello,” I say, picking up the call.

“Enzo, I need you to get down to the police station. Emma has been arrested. I don’t know what’s happening…”

I cut her off. “What police station? And do I need to bring a lawyer?”

“I don’t know Enzo. I think you just need to get down here as quickly as possible.” She rattles off the name of one of the smaller cities on the outskirts of the Denver-metro area and tells me to hurry before she hangs up the phone on me. I have about a million more questions I need her to answer, but they’d probably best be answered at the police station instead of my wasting time. I gather Matteo up and call a taxi since we don’t have a car here. It’s a longer process than I would like, every second away from Emma increases my anxiety. By the time we’re pulling up to the police station, I feel like I’m going to puke. I’m not worried about what Emma did. I have plenty of experience getting someone out of jail, but more about the fact they have her sitting in a cell. No wife of mine should spend any time sitting on a cold bench.

Emma’s aunt is waiting outside the police station when we pull up. I don’t waste time, handing Matteo over to her and walking into the police station. When I walk up to the woman sitting at the desk, she has a smile on her face. The smile pisses me off and I have to keep myself from yelling at her. Emma will get out. There’s no question about that, but I don’t think a lawyer would appreciate hearing I yelled at the police’s receptionist.

“Hello, my name is Enzo. I was told one of your officers brought in my fiance.”

The woman’s smile grows, much to my irritation. I keep a cap on it. “Emma, right?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

She picks up the phone and calls back, and less than a minute later, an officer walks out. “Hello sir, would you follow me? We picked up your fiancee on shoplifting charges.”

I scoff at the idea. Emma has more than enough money. There’s no reason she would shoplift. This has to be a mistake and one that will be cleared up quickly.

The officer doesn’t direct me towards the cells, but to what looks like a meeting room where Emma is sitting in handcuffs. She looks at me guiltily when I enter the room.

“I’ll give you a couple of minutes,” the officer says.

Emma doesn’t look uncomfortable, which is a relief. She doesn’t look upset either. Instead, she looks happy, which confuses me.

“I expect you to tell me about exactly what happened, but not here. They have cameras in here,” I tell her, whispering into her ear so that the nosey police officers who keep glancing over don't hear.

“The only time I’ve gotten taken to a police station before was because a cranky, old shopkeeper thought I was stealing a pregnancy test from her. I wasn’t. I was going to pay for it, I just needed to know if I also needed to pick up prenatal vitamins.”

This isn’t a story I’ve heard before, and even if she probably shouldn’t be telling me it while we’re in a police station, I find myself curious.

“The test was positive, and I got carted off to a police station. I only had one phone number I could call, and that was my father. There should have been someone else I could call, but he didn’t give me his phone number.”

My lips part in question, but Emma silences me with a raise of her eyebrows.

“I can’t reach into my pocket. Can you?”

She stands up from the table and lifts the hip on the side she needs me to grab something from. I’ll be a dead man before I turn down the invitation to touch her ass so I walk over to her side of the table and reach into her pocket to find something long and slender.

“Emma,” I whisper as I pull out the white test with two pink lines.