Page 29 of Family Ties

Since I knew nothing about him, he could be whoever I wanted him to be. He could be married with other kids and so occupied by his super-model wife. It was nothing but a distant memory. He could have changed physically, and stopped being so damn attractive. If he wasn’t so attractive, then denying him if I ever saw him again would be easier.

And when I was lonely or struggling, he was the man pining after me.

I didn’t dare imagine he had gotten more attractive. He has lost the last of his boyish features and grown into more of a man. His already impressive muscles have gotten more defined, and he has let his hair grow out slightly into a style that better fits the shape of his face. Those kinds of fantasies never occurred to me because I thought it impossible for the man to become better looking. I’d sooner bet the Great Wall of China would fall.

“Parents don’t need to be married for their child. You want to be a part of Matteo’s life. We can co-parent without being married,” I tell him.

Lies. Pretty, pretty lies that might help to buy me time.

When I escape, I’m going to have to hide. Change my name, never surface again.

“Most parents, yes, but not us. Every moment you spend away from me, you and Matteo are in danger. I have enemies, people who will take you and torture the both of you in order to get to me. I am not letting my son and his mother out into the world to be sitting ducks,” he growls at me. “You talk a lot about keeping Matteo safe. The best thing for him, the best thing for both of you, is for you to be here. For you to be my wife.”

Careful there. It sounds like you might actually care about me.

I snort at the thought.

“How would a marriage between us work?” I ask him. The image in my head isn’t a pretty one. I have no grand illusion he will settle for me. He’s proposing a marriage to keep Matteo safe. To protect his heir. My father has told me about his reputation. He made it clear he would only settle down when his father forced him to. And even then, my studies into the mafia tell me it isn’t unusual for the members of organized crime syndicates to keep around women for entertainment. Mistresses and prostitutes. Marriage isn’t the end of the player’s lifestyle. He has money and power, he can sleep with anyone he wants.

“How does any marriage work? Dates, communication, rough fucking,” Enzo lists off the requirements. My eyes snap to him when he makes the comment about sex, my mouth agape. He has an expectant smile on his lips, predicting my reaction. It annoys me. There is no reason this man who I have only spent a couple of hours with over five years should be able to read me so well.

There’s a reason he’s so dangerous. I may have called Enzo a brute, but he’s much more than that. If the snake in the Garden of Eden was half as charming as him, then Eve hadn’t stood a chance. He doesn’t need to use force to get what he wants. He’d be just as effective in the boardroom as he is in the mafia.

“If I agree to this, there would be no sex. This will be for Matteo, to keep him safe.”

Enzo’s laugh is dark. “This won’t be a marriage in name only, it will be legitimate in every way. But don’t worry, I’m not in the habit of forcing women. When we fuck, you’ll be begging me for it.”

Chapter Seventeen- Enzo

The last place I want to be is Oleg Petrov’s office.

Emma is settling into her new home. She isn’t comfortable yet, but she’s starting to relax. Meeting my mom went a long way to helping her adjust to her new circumstances. I had been worried about how strongly my mom would come on. She’s excited about getting a grandson. She’s also excited about getting a daughter-in-law. Her genuine warmth and love had taken Emma off-guard, rattled her enough my mom could worm her way under her guard. I should have known better than to doubt her. Out of everyone in my family, she is the only one who can relate to what Emma is going through. The only one who isn’t mafia by blood.

I’ve been spending more time with Matteo. We haven’t told him I’m his father, but I think he might know. We haven’t danced around mentioning it, and he’s too observant to not have noticed. He’s grown more comfortable with me. Introductions to the rest of the family are coming along slowly. He has met Andy, my mother, and my sisters, but we haven’t introduced him to most of the extended family.

He visits with Eric every day, playing cards or watching TV. Eric hasn't tried anything yet, but we keep him under close supervision. We closely monitored his time with Matteo. If he so much as whispers to the kid, we pull Matteo out of the room. It isn’t a mistake he’s made twice.

This afternoon, Emma is making cookies with Matteo and my mom. That’s where I want to be. Not stuck in an office with no goddamn windows.

Petrov is an old-school mobster. Windows are a liability, a clear shot for a good sniper. There’s logic in his decision, though, those methods are used much more sparingly these days. It doesn’t make the room any less depressing or his skin any less pasty.

Gio, Davide, and Angelo have accompanied us. We have a few guards with us as well. My uncles, Andy, and Luca stayed behind. There are cars of men waiting on the edge of the property in case anything goes wrong. We didn’t come into this meeting expecting peace.

“Your lawyer led me to believe our business arrangement would ensure closer ties than a contract,” Petrov says, eyebrows raised as my father put his offer on the table. His eyes flicker over to me, waiting for a different proposal. I don’t move from my spot.

“I’m sorry he led you to believe. We’re dealing with our lawyer for spreading misinformation. He had his own agenda. Enzo isn’t available for marriage,” my father says. Petrov makes an obvious perusal of my left hand, which is barren of any wedding ring. The marriage hasn’t taken place yet. In our world, that means there is still time for a better deal.

The man doesn’t realize who he’s dealing with.

“Are congratulations in order? I haven’t heard anything about an engagement,” Petrov inquires. He’s stiff in his chair, a sneering and critical smile on his face.

“We have some business we need to take care of before the formal announcement, but I’m sure my mother is just bursting at the seams to plan an engagement party for us,” I tell him, keeping the information to a minimum. He doesn’t need to know about my son. That is information that needs to be kept confidential for as long as possible. Emma has more or less agreed to the marriage, which makes things easier. There’s still the chance of her trying to run. If anyone learns about Matteo and realizes she has taken off with him, it will be open hunting season for the crime families in the area. Any of our enemies, and probably a few of our allies, would see them as a powerful bargaining chip.

“Well, don’t hide it. Who’s the lucky lady?” Petrov jeers. I narrow my eyes at him and press my lips tightly together. We knew he wouldn’t take to the news well, but the way he is reacting is unsettling. I can already see the plotting in his eyes.

“A family friend, no one you would know. You know the head of the Lombardi family doesn’t marry for business.” My father answers for me this time. He must sense the rising tension in me. I don’t need to lose my cool in the middle of negotiations. “Now, if your daughter is interested in one of my nephews, we could make something happen. But Enzo is engaged.”

Petrov lets out a sharp laugh. “Nina is fit for a Don and anything less is insulting,” he spits the words out. He grabs the contract in front of him, his fury barely contained as he goes over what we’re offering him. It’s what we discussed early in negotiations before Eric had got in his head. Marriage had never been a part of the original deal. The deal would solidify our presence in a few markets, and it would offer him the protection he doesn’t have now. He’s been the target of several federal investigations. It’s leading to a dwindling in his numbers. He would be an idiot not to take the deal.