Page 74 of Warlander Beast Cat

Outside, there was roaring, and she didn’t understand, but she couldn’t take her attention off the saber-tooth. Every moment she gave in to her distraction, Sasha hurt her.

The smell of smoke filled her nostrils and burned her eyes. The warehouse was burning, but she didn’t understand why. She couldn’t see flames. Willa was close, brawling with two grizzlies, and fuck, it would’ve been beautiful to watch if she wasn’t in a war of her own. Tiny, red-haired, quirky Willa was a monster when she was Changed.

Sasha could fight, and she was maiming any time she could. Cadence stayed locked up with her, and only disengaged to do a quick half-circle and then back.

Why was the warehouse burning?

She needed to get Willa and Landon out of here. Landon was fighting three, and he was hurt.

Outside was chaos, but she couldn’t figure out what was happening. She could only focus on Sasha.

Sasha, that bitch. She’d hurt Kru. She’d manipulated him.

She’d ruined his animal.

She’d taken Alpha from him.

Tortured him.

Cadence raked her claws across her face and snarled when she clipped the saber-tooth’s fangs.

Sasha went mad and pawed Cadence hard, then sank her long teeth into her back. Cadence’s tiger screamed and she twisted around, latched onto the back of Sasha’s neck, but then Cadence was blown backward…and then…

Sasha was just…


Cadence had slid across the ground, and when she looked up, a massive big cat was standing between her and Sasha. It was twice the size of a lion, with tan fur and faint tiger stripes only on his legs. When he turned to look at her, she was stunned at the length of his canines.


He was here.

She ghosted a glance out the door. All she could see was Lucas’s silverback driving an unfamiliar grizzly across the open door frame, his jaws open wide in a roar, his razor-sharp canines aimed for the animal’s throat. Fire illuminated the woods, and against the flames, a falcon dove for a wolf on the run. Jenna.

The Warlanders were here, but that didn’t account for the fire.

The heat blistered her skin. Didn’t smell like a campfire, but had the musky scent of a dragon’s firestarter.


“She’s mine,” Cadence growled out in the awful-sounding voice she had always hated until this moment.

Kru’s eyes were full of fury, and his chest was heaving with whatever fight he’d had to endure to get to her, but he moved out of her way and did a short charge at a grizzly at the edge of the fight.

The bear skidded to a stop and looked confused, hesitated, and moved back.



Kru was giving her space. He was trusting her to have this. To end it.

If Sasha wanted to do this? If she wanted to challenge her for Kru?

Fucking. Bring. It.

She’d never been so angry, so enraged as she saw Kru engage with one of Sasha’s grizzlies in her peripheral. He didn’t want to be a part of that Crew, so what was the point of this? Was it to save face? Was Sasha really so toxic that if she couldn’t have Kru, no one could? His misery fed her happiness? Sasha couldn’t stand losing a mate she didn’t care for well enough, so she would cause this war? She would cause this bloodshed?