Page 71 of Warlander Beast Cat

This right here was the most fun Cadence had ever had with this Crew. It felt like something was clicking.

She wanted to talk to her parents about the formation of their Crew—the Boarlanders. She wanted to ask them if it had been like this. If there had been a moment things clicked for her dad, the Alpha of the Boarlanders. What had it been like for her mom.

Had it felt like this?

Was there a moment when things came together and the Boarlanders felt like home?

Because this?

This felt right.

Sitting here trading jabs with the people who were becoming dear friends…

With her mate’s hand resting on her thigh as he laughed and guided the Crew easily from one conversation to the next…

With an Alpha she respected, and friends she adored, and people she was beginning to think she would kill for?

She thought this was the home moment.

Jenna had been right.

Everything had happened for a reason.

It had all happened to get them to this moment right here.

They would laugh and tease the night away, and eat every bit of food on this table. She had the confidence to know that tonight, either Kru would sleep at her place or she would sleep at his, and all would be right with the world when they laid their heads on their pillows tonight.

She’d never really understood Crew until now—until this moment.


She and her animal would do terrible things to protect nights like this.

Chapter Fourteen

It had been three weeks since the first Crew meeting.

Since then, they had called a Crew meeting every Friday. They’d learned after that first one that food made everything smoother and more fun, so each meet-up centered around a dinner near the firepit.

Cadence had actually grown to look forward to Friday nights now. The tradition was they had a Crew meeting, and then Kru would take her back to his place, and then take her into town the next morning for breakfast at a pancake place that was to die for.

He had healed up well, and barely showed any signs of injury.

Landon Fuller hadn’t ever talked about saving him, but she had noticed he was better at his job at Willa’s Worms. She didn’t have to yell at him quite as much, and Willa had decided not to fire him.

Cadence’s phone vibrated on the desk with a text notification, and she rolled her office chair over to it. When she picked up her phone, the screen glowed with Kru’s text.

It’s your turn to do food for the Crew meeting tonight, but I can help. What are you thinking? I’m off early, I can go shopping.

Wait, why are you off early? Send.

We cleared the entire mountain. Kong is finding a new lease. He will have us set up somewhere new by Monday. Chili dogs?

A smile broke her face, and she set down the shipping slip she’d been about to press onto a box of European nightcrawlers.

I miss you. Send.

Chili dogs makes you horny?