“Well, your stalking skills need work, because I haven’t had a drink all week.”

Cadence’s delicately-arched brows drew down. “But…you go out every night.”

“Not drinking.”

“Then what are you doing?”

“Whatever I want, because I am a grown man. I’m a part of this Crew, but that doesn’t mean I need to get an okay every time I want to go to town. I can do whatever I want, and I get bored around here. None of you motherfuckers want to hang out with me, and I get it. I went saber-tooth on everyone and the trust isn’t there. I can’t do anything about that. It happened and I can’t take it back. Wish I could, but I can’t. I still exist though. I can’t just work and stay in my house, and work and be in my house without any social life. My animal requires more.”

“Are you…” Her frown deepened, and she shifted her weight to her other leg and dropped her gaze. “When you go to town, are you going on dates?” Suddenly, she held her hands out. “Wait! Don’t answer that. It’s none of my business. I don’t care.”

She’d just lied to him. He could hear the false notes in her tone when she’d said she didn’t care. What the hell? What was happening? “I…I don’t know what you want me to say now.”

He sat there waiting, but Cadence just stood there shifting her weight from side to side like she was nervous, which was very unlike Cadence. She was a white tiger shifter and the daughter of Harrison, the Alpha of the Boarlanders. She was confident, abrasive, and frankly, a bossy woman in general.

“Are you on your period or something?” he asked.

“No! Look, we are friends, right?”

He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “This is a test, isn’t it? Cadence, it’s too early for girl-riddles.”

“We are friends, and friends give friends heads-ups if something weird is about to happen.”

“Heads-ups,” he repeated low.

“Lucia had a vision.”

“Mmm. And in her vision, did she see me taking thirty-four of those pills you’re trying to give me so I can escape this conversation?”

“It’s not funny to joke about that!”

Right about now, it didn’t feel like a joke. Girl-feelings first thing in the morning were his nightmare. He would rather be chilling in a shallow grave. At least then he would be getting some goddamn sleep.

“Lucia said she’s coming back. To you.”

Kru pinched the bridge of his nose. “Well you can tell Lucia she doesn’t have to come back to me, because I think she’s weird.”

“Not Lucia, you idiot! Sasha!”

The blood went cold in Kru’s veins. “What?”

“Lucia came to my house last night and told me about this dream she had. She described a woman with a vicious animal who is hunting you. She has black hair and silver eyes, and she calls you Krueger.”

“Fuck, Cadence!” Kru ran his hands roughly through his hair as his mind raced. Sasha was coming back to him? Now? Lucia would see it as hunting, but it wasn’t. She just didn’t understand Sasha. “Could you not cause trauma at the ass-crack of dawn?”

“I’m not trying to cause you trauma, I’m trying to help!”

“Help by mentioning my ex when I’m fifteen-percent awake? You want to talk about you and Lucas and Gunner next? Two can play at that game.”

“Ew! No! I’m not with either of them!”

“And I’m not with Sasha, so let’s let this conversation die a quick death, yeah?”

“You’re not over her.”

He blew out a long sigh and counted to five for patience before he responded. “Cadence, please go fuck with someone else’s day. You’ve hit the quota with me.”

She frowned and looked down at the floor. Softer, she said, “I was trying to help.”