Page 27 of Matt

“Of course,” I told him. “What’ve you got for me?”

Carter was one of ours and mostly kept tabs on the enforcers and guards assigned to this house. Somehow, no matter what happened out on the streets, the information managed to flow back to the enforcers, so it was an easy way to get updates without needing more undercovers out in the field.

“Chip and Knox are acting weird as hell,” he said, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. “They’ve clammed up a lot lately. I don’t know if they’re suspicious of me and Peter, or if they’re working some side deal they don’t want to get back to you.”

“Well, Chip is an idiot,” I said, rolling my eyes. “So if they’re into something, Knox will be the one making a plan.”

Which was worrisome, because Knox was probably the smartest guy in the entire Detroit clan. He should have been Duke, hell, he probably should have been Prince, but he was happy as an enforcer and wanted to stay there. Which was fine with me. I wanted the least intelligent guys on the street, it made it easier to hide operatives.

“Yeah,” Carter agreed with a sigh. “I know he’s been talking to Eddie a lot lately, so I’m trying to keep an eye on him.”

“Well, don’t risk your cover for it,” I warned him. “I need you here. And I need you alive.”

“Don’t worry about me,” he said. He looked as if he were going to say something else, but he snapped his mouth shut.

“What?” I pressed, narrowing my gaze at him.

“Nothing,” he lied. “There’s some talk around the house about you and the Knight.”

“Would you like to elaborate?”

“Not really,” he said.

Great, now I had a decision to make. Carter had come into the cartel with me so we’d been friends for almost a decade. I trusted him with my life, but that didn’t mean I could trust him with Matt’s.

We sat staring at each other for a full minute. I knew I didn’t owe him anything, that wasn’t how any of this worked. But I wanted to tell him. Wanted another set of eyes I trusted on Matt.

“Matt Lynch is one of us,” I finally blurted out, holding Carter’s gaze as I said it.

“Oh thank fuck,” Carter said, his entire body relaxing as he leaned back in his chair. “It just didn’t seem like you to be…well…I couldn’t really imagine you getting that close to a cartel guy.”

“First of all, that’s none of your fucking business,” I snapped. “Second of all, I’m not that close to Matt.” Well, not that that close. “But I needed a cover to be able to bring him in. He doesn’t know about anyone else,” I added, wanting Carter to know I hadn’t compromised him. “But he is important to me.”

“We’ll let you know if we hear anything about him, then,” Carter promised.

Peter rushed into the room, causing both Carter and I to jump to our feet, each reaching for our weapons on instinct.

“Boss, we’ve got a fucking problem.”

Chapter Fourteen


“You look like shit,” Eddie said, punching me in the shoulder before handing me a coffee. “G must have worked you over good last night.”

“Fuck off,” I said, shoving him backward. “Thanks for the coffee.”

“Yeah,” he said, nodding. “I’m not dragging you out of bed this early and not caffeinating you. That would be cruel.”

“This is all cruel, bro. You know I dosed myself yesterday, and now you drag me out at o-dark-thirty? What the hell are we doing down here?”

He seemed in good spirits, so maybe I’d been reading too much into everything. We were supposed to be friends and I’d hoped that if he had an issue with me, he’d just talk to me about it.

“You drive here?” Eddie asked, looking around as if searching for my car.

“Nah.” I shook my head. “I took the bus and got off a block down.”

“You’re a smart cookie, Matt.” He grinned.