Page 36 of Matt

“It’s been a really weird day,” I said with a low chuckle.

“I know.” He sighed. “Tomorrow will be better.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” I warned him through a deep yawn. “Besides, I’m not sure it can get much better than that.”

“You’re right.” He leaned up and kissed me again then slid up closer against my side. “That was amazing. The rest of it though…” he trailed off. “Go to sleep, Matt.”

“Yes, sir,” I mumbled.

I closed my eyes as I trailed my fingers up and down Griffin’s back. Occasionally brushing over the GSD brand on his shoulder.

My last conscious thought was to wonder if either of us would actually ever make it out of the cartel alive.

Chapter Seventeen


When I woke up, the room was dark, and I could see that night had fallen outside. Apparently that had been one hell of a nap. It took me a minute before I realized that my phone was buzzing on the nightstand and that was probably what had woken me.

“Yeah?” I answered, still groggy and not bothering to look at the screen.


The soft, scared, obviously pained voice of my best friend through the receiver woke me completely and I sat up, throwing off the blankets and getting to my feet, searching for my clothes before I even responded to him.

“Kenny. Where the hell are you? Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” he said. But I could always tell when he was lying to me. “Listen, I’m sorry I haven’t called you. I’m back in town now, though. So could you come by? I’d love to see you.”

“Yeah,” I said, bouncing as I dragged my jeans over my ass. “Of course I will. Where are you?”

“I’m at the warehouse,” he said. “I thought you might be here, but the place is empty. Where is everyone?”

His tone was completely off, as if he were reading something to me, rather than just talking. Someone was definitely there with him. And I’d bet all the money in Griffin’s pockets that it was Eddie.

“I don’t know, man,” I said, letting him keep up his ruse in hopes it would keep him safe until I got to him. “You’re at the warehouse?”

“I’m at the warehouse,” Kenny repeated.

“Okay.” I stepped into my shoes and grabbed my gun from the nightstand, shoving it into the waistband of my jeans. “I’ll be there soon. Just…hang tight, okay?”

As we disconnected, a lamp came on and I blinked as I whirled around. Griffin was standing on the other side of the bed, pulling on his own pants and glaring at me.

“What’s going on?”

“That was Kenny,” I explained, bending down to grab my shirt and pulling it over my head. “He’s in trouble. I need to get downtown.”

“You know this is probably a trap, right,” Griffin said.

“Doesn’t matter,” I insisted frantically. “He needs me.”

“Look, I love you, but you need to calm the fuck down.” He walked around the bed and put his hands on my shoulders, his gaze locked on mine. “There’s way too much riding on this for you to blow it to hell over some junkie.”

“Fuck you!” I snapped, throwing his hands off of me and stepping around him. “How many times do I have to tell you that Kenny isn’t just some junkie? He’s family. One of these days you’re going to have start thinking about someone other than yourself.” I was so angry at him that it took a minute to process everything he’d said. “Wait…you love me?”

“One of these days,” Griffin shot back. “You’re going to have start putting yourself first.” Griffin blew out a sigh and reached for my hand. “Yes, I love you. And, I’m sorry. I know you care about Kenny. But you can’t just go off half-cocked and rush into a situation we know nothing about.”

“Look, I don’t have the bandwidth to process all of this right now,” I admitted. “And I need to go get Kenny. Can we just…pause this love thing for a little while?”