Page 33 of Matt

“Alright.” He shoved me off him as I laughed.

“Look,” I said, heading toward the door. “I’m exhausted. Can one of your goon squad take me back to my apartment?”

“No.” Griffin followed me to the door and tugged my wrist, pulling me toward a different door on the other side of the room. “Stay with me.”

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” I said, though I didn’t pull away from him.

“Sure it is,” he argued, leading me down the hall then up a flight of stairs. “I’ve got this great big bed and no one to share it with.”

“I almost got shot today. I did get hit with more burning metal. I’m bleeding and I’m sore,” I whined. “Plus it’s only eight in the morning.”

“I know.” He opened the door and shoved me inside his bedroom. “But you’re injured and a nap would do you some good. So you should let me take care of you.” He wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed me gently. “Let me be your candy striper.”

“Speedball,” I blurted out.

“No,” he said slowly. “I’m Griffin.”

“Shut up,” I snapped. “Have you found Kenny yet?”

“I would have told you if I had,” he said.

“What if Eddie took him?” I said as fear started clawing up my throat. “Oh, God. What if he took Kenny to get to me?”

“Slow down,” Griffin said. “That doesn’t make any sense. Speedball took off before you and I even met.”

“I know,” I said. “But what if this thing with me has been building for a while and it’s all part of Eddie’s plan to…”

“To what?” Griffin pressed.

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “I’m scared, Griffin. It’s not like Kenny to not even text me back. Something’s wrong.”

“We’ll find him,” Griffin promised. “I’ve got guys on our side looking, too. Discreetly, but they’re looking. If he were…” He trailed off and cleared his throat. “If something had happened we’d know. Okay? So please, just trust me.”

Trust me.

Yeah, I was getting that a lot lately. And what the hell had it gotten me? A nose full of heroin, shot at, and called a fuck toy.

Trust wasn’t doing a whole lot for me.

“Come to bed,” Griffin insisted. “I promise not to paw at you or attack you. Just a quick nap.”

That sounded so good. Sleep. Curling up with Griffin like we were a real couple. Like I imagined it could be, back when he was just a faceless voice on the phone.

Somehow I’d always managed to believe that we’d end up here. Except in my deepest, darkest fantasies, we were both out of the cartel. Both free to live real lives together. And yeah, in those dreams we had a cat. But dogs are cool, too.

“Let me look at that arm before you lay down though,” Griffin said, pushing me to sit on the mattress then kneeling between my legs.

I’d put my bloody t-shirt back on before we’d entered his compound and one of the guards had brought me a towel, but I hadn’t had much time to actually inspect the wound.

I pulled the towel off and grimaced at the sight of the blackened skin that had been sheared open in a thick, deep gash. Blood still oozed from it, but it had slowed a lot.

“I’m going to kill him,” Griffin whispered, staring down at the wound.

“No, you’re not,” I said firmly. “This is nothing. I’m fine, okay?” I reached down and lifted his chin to make him meet my gaze. “Griffin, I’m fine.”

“Come with me,” he said, pushing off my knees to get to his feet before pulling me to mine and tugging me into the ensuite with him.

I washed my arm in the sink, trying very hard to stay super manly and tough. But once Griffin stepped in to help me scrub the laceration with a stiff brush, I may have given in and whined a little. But it was manly whining.