Page 30 of Matt

Eddie and I exchanged looks, then stood up, each with our guns still in our hands.

Looking out over the marina parking lot, I saw Griffin standing next to a man I didn’t recognize. But they both looked beyond pissed.

Sirens began wailing in the distance and the two men looked at each other and nodded.

“In your cars and back to base,” the strange man snapped at the Blue Horns.

“Edward. Mansion. Matthew…” Griffin glared at me then pointed to his passenger seat.

“You mother fucker,” I growled at Eddie, pushing past him and getting into Griffin’s Porsche, slamming the door behind myself.

Everyone in the parking lot broke ranks and started tearing out of the lot. I counted the Blue Horns as they went, and all five men were accounted for. One holding his hand and one limping, but they were all there.

Eddie hadn’t done shit. He’d brought me out there and left me to die.

Griffin got into the car and pulled out after the rest of the cars, turning in the opposite direction and speeding off toward the highway. His face was set into hard lines and his hands gripped the steering wheel so hard I could hear the leather creaking beneath his white-knuckled fingers.

He didn’t say a word as he drove, but his jaw kept clicking as if he were forcing it to stay shut.

The fact that he was obviously angry was incredible. It wasn’t as if I’d wanted to be out there. It hadn’t been my idea. And if Eddie were to be believed, Griffin had known about it the whole time.

Once we actually hit the freeway, Griffin merged into traffic then blew out a sigh before finally turning his face to look at me.

“Jesus,” he hissed, his gaze lowering to my arm. “Are you shot?”

“No,” I insisted, following his line of sight and realizing that I was bleeding all over the place. “It’s a graze. It’s fine.”

I shifted the seatbelt and pulled my t-shirt off, winding it around the wound and holding it to my chest. I’d honestly forgotten that I’d even been injured. The adrenaline out there had pushed everything but survival from my mind. Now that I’d seen the blood, my arm hurt like a bitch.

“What in the ever-loving-fuck were you doing out there?” he yelled, his palm slamming against the steering wheel.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I snapped back. “That’s all your boy, right there. Eddie told me to meet him. Told me you knew, and he was shocked you hadn’t warned me. Told me gang bangers were dealing on your turf and we were sent to take care of them.”

“What the fuck is that kid trying to pull?” Griffin asked, anger radiating from his tense muscles in waves. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m five by five, boss,” I assured him. “But there’s something going on with Eddie that neither of us know about. Today was crazy. If you really didn’t know about this, then who was he trying to set up out there? Me? Or you?”

“Maybe both,” Griffin answered. “I guess we’ll find out when we get back. You still got that gun?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Probably won’t be going anywhere unarmed for a while.”

“Good plan.” Griffin turned to glance at me for a second. “If this is my fault, I’m sorry.”

“You don’t need to apologize to me,” I promised him. “Let’s just figure out what’s really going on. Okay?”

I had a feeling if we didn’t figure it out soon…Eddie was going to keep gunning for both of us. And eventually, he’d get what he wanted.

So I really, really wanted to know what that was.

Chapter Fifteen


“Who the fuck told you that you could go after gang bangers on your own?” Griffin demanded, glaring down at Eddie.

We were back in Griffin’s office, with Eddie sitting in front of the Prince’s desk while I loitered just inside the door. I hadn’t wanted to go in at all, but Griffin had insisted that I be there.

“I was being proactive.” Eddie tried like hell to remain neutral, but the vein in his neck was thrumming hard enough that I could see it moving, even across the room.