Page 18 of Matt

“I heard he took you home,” Eddie continued, clearly phishing for more information from me. “Even went into your apartment. I’ve never seen your apartment and we’ve been friends for years.”

I dropped my spoon and glared at him. I didn’t want him to see that my fingers had started shaking. If he knew the Prince had been inside, that meant that he had eyes on me. He could have been guessing, but he sounded pretty sure of his information.

“What’s your point, Eddie?” I asked. “You want to come over?”

“No.” He chuckled. “You know I don’t swing that way.”

“What exactly are you implying?” Obviously I knew exactly what he was saying, and it was probably a good thing. This was the cover story Griffin had wanted to use anyway. Best if it came from the Duke and filtered down to the grunts. It was more believable that way.

“Hey.” Eddie held his hands up defensively. “I’ve got no issues with it. Better you than me, to be honest. Just be careful.”

“Worried I’ll get my ickle heart broken?” I teased.

“More like I’m worried he’ll chew you up and spit you out and I’ll need to replace my newest Knight,” he countered. “You can’t be naïve enough to believe the Prince leaves his conquests alive to tell tales.”

“Well, since he hasn’t conquested me,” I said, picking my scoop back up and dipping it into the open brick of heroin sitting between us before sprinkling it into the empty cup on the scale. “I don’t think you need to worry just yet.”

“He’s going to,” Eddie said, his tone warning. “And you’ll let him.”

“Okay, Wizard of Oz, enlighten me. How the hell do you know that?” It was my turn to start phishing. Did Griffin have a habit of sleeping with guys in the GSD? He’d intimated that he accepted perks from being Prince. Was this one of them?

“I could just see it in the way you two looked at each other,” Eddie admitted. “I was kind of glad when G asked me to leave, because the tension between you was palpable. And gross.” He held his hand up again. “Not because you’re gay. I told you, I don’t care about that. Just because I don’t want to think about anyone banging the Prince. And I don’t want to think about the sex lives of my friends.”

“Fine. But we didn’t have sex.” I shook my head and turned back to the scales. “Not that it’s any of your business.”

“You’re right,” he agreed. “But it’s nice to see you smile, man. You’ve been awfully morose for a guy that just got promoted.”

“I’m worried about Speedball,” I admitted. “Have you heard from him yet?”

“No.” Eddie shrugged. “You know how he gets, Matt. He’ll turn up.” He sighed. “To be honest, though, I thought he’d be here today. He’s never missed cutting day.”

Yeah, I knew that. And I knew that was why I’d been roped into helping. Normally, I didn’t have to do much with distribution aspects. I was more of an acquisitions kind of guy.

“So, how do you know this wasn’t already cut?” I asked him. “I snagged it from impound, so it had already been on the street.”

“Yeah, but it was seized from one of our clans,” he explained. “It was being transported here for cutting. Plus, I had it tested for purity.”

I was pretty sure I didn’t want to know how he did that, so I didn’t ask. Honestly, I didn’t care either way. God only knew where this was going to end up, and even if it had been previously cut, diluting it further would only help people in the long run.

“Look, I really do appreciate you being here,” Eddie continued. “I know this isn’t really your thing.” He paused and looked up at me with narrowed eyes. “I’m not really sure what your thing is.”

I felt my heart start hammering in my chest and dropped my gaze back to what I was doing.

“I score,” I answered with a shrug, hoping I sounded calm. “You need something, and I get it for you.”

“Yeah,” he agreed. “Yeah you do. And I don’t ask how you do it, I’m just grateful that it gets done.”

Yeah, and I was grateful he didn’t ask. Most of the time, I was actually breaking the law to get him what he wanted. Like breaking into DPD evidence to get this stash. But it would be hard to explain exactly how I knew the way to get that done. It wasn’t like I could tell him that I had the codes to disable the cameras, or that I knew every secret entrance to the building plus the schedules of everyone who worked on that entire floor because I’d been trained by law enforcement how to do so.

I’d rather he just thought I was that good. It made my life easier.

But if I were him I’d be curious.

My nose started to itch, and I reached up to rub at it, but Eddie jumped up and grabbed my wrist in his hand, stopping me from touching my face.

“You’ve got heroin on your fingers, dude,” he said, laughing.

“Good call.” I dropped my hand, but then before I could stop it or raise my arm to cover my face, I sneezed, hard, blowing heroin and baking soda dust particles into the air between us.