Page 10 of Matt

He beeped the key fob to unlock the doors and I climbed into the passenger seat, buckling in as he slid behind the wheel then gunned the engine.

We took off, tires peeling as Eddie took a hard right at the corner and headed toward the highway.

“Have you heard from Speedball?” Eddie asked out of nowhere as he merged onto I-96 West, headed out of the city.

“No,” I admitted. “He showed up at the party for a while, Wednesday, I think. But he took off and I haven’t seen him since.” The knot in my stomach that hadn’t gone away tightened. “Have you?”

“Nope.” Eddie cut across three lanes of traffic, accelerating way over the speed limit. “I’ve texted him and left him messages, but he hasn’t gotten back to me.”

I pulled out my phone and dialed Kenny’s number, staring at Eddie’s profile as a generic voicemail message started playing.

“Yo, Kenny, it’s me. Call me back. Eddie and I are looking for you.” I put the cell away again and sighed. “I hope he’s okay.”

“You know Speedball.” Eddie rolled his eyes. “He probably started his own party and ended up at a silent rave or something.”

Yeah, that was kind of my fear. Kenny’s drug problem was a huge joke in the cartel, but I didn’t think it was funny at all. I lived in constant fear of him overdosing or getting his ass poisoned by buying from the wrong dealer.

“Maybe we should get him some help,” I suggested. “Him being high all the time is bad for business.”

“He’s harmless,” Eddie insisted. “And he doesn’t know anything anyway. We keep him clear of the big stuff. Besides, he’s ours. He wouldn’t run his mouth.”

That was true, but it pissed me off that Eddie’s concern wasn’t about Kenny’s life, but what he could or couldn’t do for the cartel.

It shouldn’t have surprised me. And it didn’t. Not really. But Kenny was part of this family and had been for years. If I was the only one who bothered to care about him, it was clear that it really was time to get him out.

Eddie cut the wheel sharply, flying back across the highway and skidding onto the exit ramp to take us into Livonia.

“Okay,” I said. “Dude, seriously. Where are we going?”

“I told you,” Eddie said, shooting me a grin as he blew the red light at the intersection, sending cars scattering as they slammed on their breaks and honked their horns. “Field trip.”

I crossed my arms and glared at him, but he just kept smiling as he wound his way through neighborhoods before finally pulling into a driveway that was partially hidden by the massive trees that lined it.

“Let’s go.” He killed the engine and got out, standing in the driveway waiting for me to follow.

I climbed out and fell into step beside him, staring up at the massive house in front of us.

There were several cars parked next to the four-car garage and every light in the place seemed to be on, shining brightly and lighting up a giant front yard that had an honest to God fountain flowing.

Eddie pounded on the front door, and it was opened by a massive man with an assault rifle strapped across his chest.

The two men exchanged nods and Eddie motioned for me to follow him. Once the door was closed behind us, the man who’d opened it glared at me and stepped forward. It took everything in me not to shrink away from him.

“Spread,” he barked.

I rolled my eyes but lifted my arms and shifted my feet so he could pat me down. Which he did, a little rougher than I thought was necessary.

“What, you think I’m gonna bring a narc in here?” Eddie snapped, but the man ignored him.

“Clear,” the man said, motioning with his head for us to proceed into the house.

I followed Eddie down the hall and had to bite my tongue to keep from asking again where the hell we were. We passed three more armed guards and I started to get a really bad feeling. The knot in my stomach was a full-on pit of fear now and my fingers began to twitch nervously as we continued forward.

We reached a set of closed double doors, flanked by two more armed security men.

“He’s expecting us,” Eddie told one of them. “Open the door.”

Each man grabbed a handle and pulled the doors apart to let us in.