Page 25 of Tempted By the CEO

“There’s nothing to discuss!”

“Well I say there is! You’re not the only one in this relationship, you know! You think I want to sneak around and hide forever?”

“You knew exactly what you were signing up from the beginning! Now you choose to complain about it? Don’t act like you’re the victim here, Liv. I was clear with you from the start. I am not coming out. Ever.”

“That’s totally unreasonable!”

“Well that’s my decision, take it or leave it.”

Liv was so angry she was shaking. How could that be Juliette’s stance? Did she really expect Liv to lie for the rest of her life? What kind of stupid expectation was that? How could you ask that of someone you cared for?

“You know what? Forget lunch. I’m not hungry anymore. I’m going for a walk.”

Liv stormed out of the house, grabbing her jacket on the way out.

She walked quickly, putting all of her rage into her strides. How could Juliette be so inconsiderate? Did she not care about Liv’s feelings at all? She knew how much Liv hated lying. Liv had been extremely patient with her, but her patience was running out.

She sighed as she rounded a corner. It was their first fight, not something Liv had been looking forward. She knew it was inevitable – all couples fought, after all – but knowing it was coming didn’t make it hurt any less.

Well, there wasn’t much Liv could do about the situation. She could either break up with Juliette, or she could accept her decision. Surely, that decision wasn’t as final as Juliette thought it was now. Juliette was an honest person, and Liv knew that she didn’t like lying either.

Juliette had to come around, sooner or later. Liv just had to dig deep down and find some more patience.

She turned around, heading back toward the house.

Unsurprisingly, Juliette was in her studio. “Knock, knock. Can I come in?”

Juliette sighed and put down her paintbrush. “Yes, please do. Liv… I’m sorry I shouted at you. I stand by my decision, but I handled that conversation badly.”

“I know, but I did as well. Coming out is your decision, and you’re right that you were clear with me from the start. I shouldn’t have allowed myself to get all emotional about it.”

Liv didn’t expand on her hopes that Juliette would come out sometime in the future. That was sure to start the argument all over again.

“I’ll forgive you if you forgive me?” Liv bargained.

“Done.” Juliette stepped in for a kiss. “Care to stay? I’m struggling a bit here and I could use my personal muse.”

“Well, who am I to stand in the way of an artist’s creativity? Of course, I’ll stay.”

Juliette pushed her current painting away, eyeing Liv speculatively. “You know, I was thinking about that conversation we had a few months back – about what to do if we were caught naked together.”

Liv didn’t remember that particular conversation, but she liked where Juliette’s mind was at.

“Our parents won’t be back for a while. I was thinking you could get naked…”

Yeah, Liv definitely liked where this was going.

“… and let me paint you.”

Oh. That was not what she’d expected, but certainly not an unwelcome development.

“You want to paint me?”

“Of course. It’s been something in my head for a while. If you’re up for it, that is.”

“I am definitely up for it. Where do you want me? I’m yours to command.”

“Well, ideally we’d do it outside, but I somehow don’t think that would go down very well with passersby. But I can make it work with you on the sofa. If you could undress and lie down…”