Page 22 of Tempted By the CEO

Liv stiffened.

“Nothing bad, I promise,” Juliette assured her. Liv only seemed to relax a fraction, and Juliette hurried to say what she needed to, sure it would be well-received.

“I don’t think we should continue this as an experiment.”

Disappointment filled Liv’s face. “You want to stop?”

“Absolutely not. What I’m saying is that I don’t’ want this to be an experiment anymore. I want to date you for real, not just to try things out. I’m gay, Liv, and… and I’m falling in love with you.”

Liv’s lips were suddenly on hers, hot and passionate. “I feel the same for you,” Liv murmured between kisses. “We’re going to be great together, Juliette, you’ll see.”

“We already are.”

All thoughts of talking ended as they started stripping each other’s clothes off between kisses.

It was a good thing Liv was more observant than Juliette, because Juliette didn’t notice anything until Liv was jerking away from her and diving for her clothes.

Then Juliette heard the sound of approaching footsteps. It didn’t matter whether it was her mom or Liv’s dad. Kane wouldn’t take issue, but he also wouldn’t lie to his fiancé about it. If they were caught like this, they were doomed.

Juliette frantically shoved her arm through the sleeve of her top, trying to straighten it before the door opened.

There was a knock. “Girls, are you still in there?”

“Just a minute!” Juliette called out frantically, trying to zip up her pants.

The door opened and Laura stuck her head in. Juliette hastily pulled her shirt down to hide the fact that her pants were unzipped. She glanced at Liv, who seemed to have done a better job at getting dressed speedily, though her clothes were still a bit rumpled from lying in a pile on the floor.

“What are you two still doing up? Have you seen the time?”

Juliette didn’t know what the time was, but she was sure it was late.

Liv made a show of looking at her watch. “Shoot! I guess we got so caught up in talking that we forgot all about it. You must tell me more tomorrow about the inspiration for that painting, Juliette.”

“Of course. I’m always happy to talk about my work.”

Laura was eyeing the two of them suspiciously, but she seemed to accept their story, for now. “Well, goodnight, then.”

“Goodnight,” Juliette and Liv chorused.

“I think she knows,” Juliette whispered after the door was closed.

“She can’t know. She can only suspect, and as long as we don’t give her any solid proof, those suspicions mean nothing. You really should install a lock on that door, though.”

“And tell her what? That will just make her more suspicious.”

“I suppose. I was thinking, if worst comes to worst, we could pretend I’m posing nude for a painting you’re doing.”

“And what would we say about the reason for me being naked too?”

“I felt self-conscious to do it alone, so you agreed to do it in solidarity?”

“Weak, Liv.”

“Well do you have a better idea?”

“Um. Spilled paint on my clothes?”

“Yeah, because you don’t have other clothes to get changed into.”