“I’m twelve years older than you, Lily.”

“And you’re still too young to have your midlife crisis and to be saying stuff like love doesn’t matter. What do you do if someone shows up and you feel something for them? Actual true desire? Passion? Someone who you want to build more with than just a mutually beneficial business arrangement?”

He laughs. “I’d have said that could never happen. That I don’t believe in love at first sight. That’s what I honestly believed up until a week ago.”

“A week ago? Did something change?”

There is a sense of unease within me. I couldn’t avoid it. It conflicts with the need I have to stay near Jack. The whole reason I came up here even when he said I was done with work for the night.

“Someone beautiful showed up in my life. And I was smitten. Usually I never thought myself shy enough to act on my feelings, but common courtesy and my engagement gave me second thoughts.”

He’s talking about me. A chill goes down my spine. The tension between us is so strong, I can hardly feel anything but it, the breeze of the desert struggling to register against my bare skin.

My eyes meet his. Our hands have unconsciously come together, our fingers entangling. My heart has started to pound a million beats per minute. Everything seems to slow down as we gaze into the souls of one another. As his lips move toward mine.

I should stop this, I think to myself. This is wrong. He’s my boss. He’s engaged. He’s so much older than me.

But I don’t want to stop this.

Ever since I laid eyes on Jack, he’s been so heavily in my mind. I want to spend more and more time with him. I want him to be my boyfriend. I want him to be my lover. I want him to be so much more than that.

When his lips meet mine, it’s simply electric. The blood rushing through my veins, the sheer intensity of everything going through me, this feels right. So fucking right. None of those reasons seem to matter, just pure, pounding lust as his tender kiss grows more erotic, more hot, his tongue invading my mouth and twisting with my own.

I want him. I need him.

And I will have him.



He hesitates. He pulls back. “I’m sorry,” he says, breathlessly.

“Don’t be.”

“I shouldn’t have done that. I should have asked first.”

“I’m giving you permission now,” I say. “I’ve wanted this every bit as much as you do, Jack.”

His hand shakes as he pushes my hair out of my eyes. “It feels so wrong.”

It is. He’s my boss. He’s engaged.

But despite all those hurdles between us, we both undeniably want this, and we both want it bad. We cleared those hurdles easily, running right into one another’s arms.

Because even with all that bullshit that’s there, at the end of the day, he’s a man, I’m a woman, and our desire for one another is so incredibly strong.

We kiss again. It’s every bit as amazing and electric as the first time. His hands stroke my cheek, gooseflesh erupting in his path, He pushes my jacket off my shoulders. It’s a beauitful night, and I’m already getting quite sweaty. I hurriedly unbutton my top, Jack taking advantage of the newly exposed flesh in front of him. He’s doing much the same, finally revealing everything I’d been curious about these past few days.

A strong, manly chest. Not a forest of hair, but plenty for me to ogle at and enjoy a great deal. I let my fingers explore his form, feeling the warmth at the sensations that those hairs tickle me with. Our shirts fall down to the ground, crafting a makeshift bed for the two of us, that I’m sure the rest of our clothes will soon expand.

He leans in with a kiss, the heat of his breath tickling my ear. “I’ve lusted after you ever since I rode up to you when you got here. Every detail I’ve learned in the past week has only made that desire all the stronger.”

“I really could just say the same,” I giggle.

“I love that too. I mean it. Catching glimpses of that denim gripping your ass, the adorable way you laugh, the way your hair sways beautifully as you move, it’s taken all my willpower not to go right for you, darlin’.”

His hands slide down my back, the feeling of his flesh against mine so damn intense. He cups my ass, and I’m hurriedly undoing my belt, ready to kick those jeans off my legs and let him have full and wide access to my entire naked form.