My soon-to-be-married boss.

Because why make just moderately bad decisions?

You should always shoot for the moon and make the worst decisions you can possibly make.



“Cheddar here is a bit of a rascal if you let him be,” I say, guiding him back to his stable. He had led poor Lily on a wild-goose chase across the farm. “You have to show your dominance with them sometimes, let them know you’re not going to stand for it.”

Lily sighed. “I didn’t think I would have to deal with that sort of thing with horses.”

“Oh, yes. They’re social animals. They play games and feel people out just like we do. May not be able to hold much of a conversation, but they have personalities all the same.”

It has been a few days since Lily had come to the ranch. She’s settling in quite well.

“Thought you were a horse girl,” I joke, closing the stable door behind me.

“I totally am, I just forgot how wild even the not-so-wild horses can be. Last few ranches I worked for just made me do bookkeeping, despite me signing on as a wrangler.”

“Thought a pretty dainty thing like yourself couldn’t handle the hard work?”

“Bunch of denim-clad assholes chomping on cigarettes, so yeah, probably.”

I chuckle. “I think you got the skills to handle whatever I throw at you, Lily.”

“And what else are you planning on throwing at me?”

There are things I want to throw at her, all right. Things I wouldn’t mention in polite company. Since the moment she stepped foot on my ranch, I knew what I wanted. Her.

“Nothing out of the usual. Just keep doing what you’re doing, and I’ll be happy with you.”

In the few days since she’d come, we’ve been glued together at the hip, and not because she needed me to be. I just can’t help myself. Ever since I rode up to her, I couldn’t help but be magnetized to her presence. That smile of hers had my heart aflutter, and everything else only made the situation worse. Those curves, that hair, her voice, her giggle. I finally understood what this whole love-at-first-sight thing was.

Not like this is all a one-way appeal either. I see her looking up at me. How there’s only ever been a smile on her face. How she shakes her little butt against me when I’m nearby. She turns so red when she realizes what she's doing, too, as if she’s embarrassed by it.

Which I guess is understandable.

I’m engaged.

Why did this girl show up now instead of six months ago?

“Sarah should be rolling in within the hour,” I say, giving Cheddar his feed bag. “You don’t have to meet her now if you don’t want to; you’ve done plenty today. Go take it easy.”

I heard her let out a long breath at the mention of my fiancée’s name. “No. I should. She’s going to be one of my bosses here, right? We should get acquainted.”

“Hmm. Not so much. Sarah and I hadn’t really discussed what happens to our ranches in terms of when everything’s happening. Don’t know when she’d become a presence around here, really.”

“Aren’t you getting married in a few months? I thought you’d both talk each other’s ears off about it.”

It’s my turn to turn a slight shade of red. “Um, it’s all very legal and confusing, and we thought it would take away from our relationship.”

Which is a huge load of shit, given it’s our entire relationship.

“I guess it isn’t my place to pry,” Lily replies as she straps feed bags to the snouts of some of the other horses. “I’m the new recruit. I don’t expect my bosses’ entire romantic history a week after signing on.”

“Don’t fret over it, little lady. It’s natural to be curious about those around you and make conversation.”