“Touching you at all is too terrible for me.”

“I hope he gets what’s his. But I’m fine now. I’m here with you.”

I smile her way and then plant a kiss on her lips. I yearn for her touch, for her presence. Her warmth, her laughter. It’s my new drug, and I’m completely addicted.

We sit on the edge of my bed, draped in towels from our cleanup. I push one off her shoulders, exposing her to me. Her luscious body before me, and I can’t help but get excited just looking at her, knowing so much more is to come. I run my hands down her form, caressing her tits, hearing the soft moan escape her lips. I lay her back on the bed, her completely cooperating as I slid down her form, removing the towel entirely and letting myself take in her majesty.

I can’t believe she’s mine. I’m so starstruck at seeing her, knowing it shouldn’t be a man like me enjoying such a beautiful young woman. So many reasons why not, but the reason why I should overpowers them all.

Another kiss as my fingers go lower, feeling the gooseflesh they create as I move lower and lower on her body, the slight cooing that my touch creates, toward her sex, which is so hot and wet for me as I touch it. She shudders hard as I lay a firm finger on her clit, and begin to show it some tender appreciation.

I embrace and kiss her as I massage her down there, wanting to see the pleasure and joy I’m inflicting on her. She’s trembling from my slightest touch, so inexperienced and unused to such intimacy. But we would learn and grow about our desires, our wants, our needs, our everything together.

“Yes,” she murmurs, even as her hands grasp around the arm doing things to her. “Don’t stop. Keep going.”

Her whispers invigorate me as I continue to massage her. I run my finger around all of her tender parts, my free hand showing the rest of her body equal appreciation. I love all of her, all of her body, all of her soul. She’s what I’ve been waiting so long for, and am so thankful to finally have.

Even as I remind myself I shouldn’t be having her at all.

Feeling her writhe around my fingers as I pleasure her more and more, it’s the most potent drug I can imagine. No, when I hear her shudder and come on my digits, that’s even greater. A blissful song, and it makes me so damn hard for her.

“Never thought a man’s fingers could make me feel like that,” she says breathlessly.

“That’s just the appetizer, darlin’. I’m going to hit you with the main course now.”

She giggles as I plant another kiss on her, and bring my throbbing cock toward her slit. It had been aching with need ever since I laid eyes on her, and it's been torturing me ever since. Everything about her is perfect to me, and I need to feel her. I’ve done it before, and it was her first time.

I’m not naïve enough to think that the first time is the best time. It can be good, and it is very important, but the sex gets better with experience. The more you know someone, the better you can please them, and the better they can please you.

The first time with Lily had already been the best I’d ever had. So I lusted after the thought of our relationship developing, and how we would bring ourselves to new levels of bliss as time went on.

Every time would build upon the last. I couldn’t wait.

I keep an eye on her expression as I bring my cock toward her slit, its head tickling her clit before I begin to push it in. Even if she’s not a virgin, she’s still inexperienced, and the last thing I want to do is to be too rough with her. She’s nodding enthusiastically at me, though, so perhaps I’m being a bit too dainty with her.

I take her more. She’s so tight, warm, and strong around me. She coos loudly with every inch I push, and the absolute bliss that she gives me in return makes me ecstatic. She takes all of me, and is vibrating in delight as I hold her.

I can’t repeat it enough how fucking perfect she is.

Both of us settled in, I start to fuck her good and proper. I’m not hammering her like a machine off the bat, but I start a good steady pace. Waiting and listening to her. It’s absolute bliss for me, either way, but I just want to hear her screaming for me, for her to be an orgasmic mess in front of me.

“Take me more,” she whispers. “Take me faster. Harder.”

I obey without question. Soon she’s holding on to me, and moving to my rhythm, so enraptured with me. We’re perfectly in sync with one another, meeting each other’s lusts fully, the friction between us sending delightful fire through both of our bodies. I’m shivering with glee every bit as much as she is, my arms wrapping around her, and hers wrapping around me. Our souls are enraptured, completely dedicated to one another and the bliss we share.

Somehow, I hold myself together. I want to hear her sing for me first, but with every thrust, I struggle to hold on. I try to give her a little more than even my cock can give, caressing her tits, her sides, her clit, everything, but she’s holding on. She wants more. And so do I. But I also want that climax, and for her to be right there alongside me.

Lily whimpers, then cries out, every muscle in her body tensing up before the release crashes into her, all of her pounding with sweet, powerful ecstasy.

And that’s all the permission I need.

I let it out. I let the orgasm claim me. I let all my passions shoot through my body, my heart hammering right alongside my cock. I give her everything inside of me, flooding her so fully, the warmth between us becoming physical proof of our powerful need for one another.

We’re both panting fools in love as I collapse onto her, holding her close. I give her a tender kiss. I hold her near, not wanting to go anywhere, pulling covers over our chilly bodies. The only sounds we hear are one another’s heartbeats, the shallowness of our breath, and the rain pitter-pattering on the roof above. It’s a sweet pleasure I wish could last forever.

But the words Lily says to me next make a man out of me. “I love you, Jack.”

I can’t help but respond to her truth with my own. “I love you, Lily.”