“Yes. A woman, I’d say.”

Amanda spoke to Trent. “The shooter sent his partner.”

They continued listening as it was confirmed from which direction she came, and other officers chimed in there was no sign of a white Ford van or the Mercedes in the immediate area.

“Suspect has the money and is moving east through the trees.”

Amanda and Trent sat straighter.

“That’s us,” he said. “She’s coming our way.”

Amanda looked around them, but there wasn’t a vehicle in sight. Where are you going?

Then Amanda saw the woman emerge from the trees. White coat and balaclava.

She nudged Trent’s arm. “There. We’ve got to move. Remember, we’re hikers.”

Amanda stepped out of the car with guarded movements. Her impulse was to bolt into a run, but that would risk spooking the woman and jeopardizing everything. The ultimate goal today was to get Katherine back, whatever form that took.

Trent walked around to Amanda.

The woman was within fifty feet of them now.

“Gorgeous day, isn’t it, sweetheart?” he said as he held out his hand for hers.

She wanted to take it, could feel her hand folded in his. Her mind chastised her, but this wouldn’t be considered cheating on Logan, this was an act. But all her thinking had her hesitating, just a hair’s breadth too long.

The woman must have sensed something was off and started to run. She was fast too.

Amanda and Trent took after her, him talking over the radio to inform the others of the situation.

They pursued her through trees and down paths, dipped toward the river and then she swooped back toward the road.

Amanda was panting, and her calf muscles were burning, but she pushed through. Trent was breathing heavily too but keeping even strides.

The sound of snapping twigs cut through the air as other officers moved in to assist.

“Suspect just made off in a white Ford van,” an officer said over the comms.

“You have to be shitting me,” Amanda said to Trent.

“Officer Brandt in pursuit.”

Sirens cut through the woods, piercing the air.

“Suspect dropped the money bag.” This update was from the same officer who had called out her getaway a moment prior.

Trent turned to Amanda with raised eyebrows. “Oh, this is not good. Why the hell would she do that?”

“Plates aren’t visible, and the driver is driving erratically,” came another update across the comms.

More sirens wailed to life, and Amanda was left on the sidelines, panting for breath and fearing she’d just signed Katherine’s death warrant. All because she hesitated to take Trent’s hand.


“What the hell happened to stand back, watch, follow at a distance?” Malone was pacing in front of Amanda and Trent. The fact they were outside, and there was a cold breeze, did nothing to delay the dressing down.

They were still at Prince Park, and she was holding on to her bag of money. The Ford van was lost as the officer driving couldn’t keep up, and even others that joined in the pursuit had failed to apprehend the shooter and his partner. No one ever had eyes on Katherine.