“It’s nice that you can be here for her,” Amanda told her.

“My girl needs me, I’m here,” Dee said, straightening her pharmacy-store bifocals that were hanging on a chain around her neck. She was a classy older woman, who was inclined to be frugal with necessities and freewheeling with discretionary items. Having flashy cars topped the list. The Mustang out front was her winter wheels. In the summer, she had a sixty-nine Corvette.

“And that’s why you’re an incredible friend.” Amanda smiled at the woman.

“Detective Steele.” A gentle prompting from Malone. “Detective Greenway is ready for us.”

Amanda realized that he meant the ransom request was cued for replay. She considered May next to her, and thought it might be hard for her to hear it again. Turning to Dee, Amanda said, “Maybe you could take May to the living room. She might appreciate the soft cushions of the couch.” It was more than a suggestion, but Dee complied, and May didn’t fight it either.

Once both women had left, she walked over to the detective who was holding out a set of old-school headphones.

Malone held up his hands and stepped back. “I heard it already before I collected you at Central. You two go ahead.”

Amanda looked at Trent. They’d need to get close to share the headphones, which would be uncomfortable.

“You go first.” Trent bobbed his head at her, possibly thinking the same as she had.

“Thanks.” She took the headphones from the detective, and he hit play.

“Is this May Byrd?”

A mid-baritone voice belonging to a man.

“Yes. Who is this?”

“Don’t concern yourself with who I am, but that I have what you want.”

May gasped loudly. A few seconds.

“Do you have my Katherine?”

“I do.” Smug, sounding almost as if he were smiling at the admission. “And if you ever want to see her again, you’ll do as I say.”

“Proof of life.” May blurted this out, her voice quaking.

He laughed. “Sure, I’ll send you proof of life.”

There was a chime. A few moments of silence.

May cried out. “You hurt her.”

“Yes, but you will see that she’s still very much alive. See the light reflecting in her eyes.”

May sobbed, little jagged exhales giving her away.

“Now, do I have your attention?”


“Good. From what I see, business is doing well, so how about we say one hundred thousand?”

“I can’t. I don’t have that sort of money.”

“You will find a way to get it, or your precious Katherine will die in the most painful way. Her fate is up to you. What will it be?”

“I’ll do whatever you ask.”

“Good. Cash, unmarked bills, tomorrow morning, ten, at Prince Park, near the children’s playground. Do you know where that is?”