Amanda was quite sure she was holding her breath while she listened to the NYPD detective.

“I popped by and had those chats I said I would,” Fitz said. “Elias Rush and Lowell Mooney. Well, Elias, we can rule him out. He still spits at the mention of Kat’s name, but he’s not behind her abduction. Either himself or commissioning it.”

“Same for his brother,” she said.

“You spoke to Ollie in prison?”

“Over video. He said if he got to Katherine, she’d be dead.” Just repeating the incarcerated gang leader’s words had goosebumps rising on her arms.

“I got the same impression from Elias. Well, more than an impression. He might have said it in so many words too. The hatred is certainly alive and well, but he has no interest in stirring up trouble with the law. Surprisingly he was doting on his young son when I was there. Don’t see him messing up his home life, no matter how much he hates Kat. But Mooney. He’s why I really called.”

Her skin pricked at this. What he had must be good.

“He’s nowhere to be found, but I was able to get authorization to track his phone. Detective Steele, Lowell Mooney is in Prince William County. More specifically, Woodbridge.”

Amanda popped up from the chair she’d been in, and the motion bounced it off the wall behind her. She hustled to Trent’s cubicle. They needed to move on this ASAP. “Send me the address,” Amanda said into the phone.

“I’ll text it the second I hang up. Just keep in mind that Mooney is a dangerous guy. Unhinged doesn’t begin to describe his mental state. Obviously, he can’t register a gun as an ex-convict, but I wouldn’t put it past him to have armed himself with one from the street.”

“Noted. Thank you.” She ended the call and walked while holding her phone out in her hand. Waiting for Fitz’s text was agonizing.

She entered Trent’s cubicle and found him leaning forward looking at a stream of information on his monitor. At a quick glance, Amanda saw it was Katherine’s financials.

“Trent,” she said, and it was enough to break whatever spell he was under. “Fitz just called, Detective Fitzgerald from NYPD.” She found irony in being uncomfortable with shortening Katherine’s name, while she easily did for a detective she’d spoken to a grand total of two times. Then again, she’d never reported to Fitz.

Trent straightened up. “What is it?”

“Lowell Mooney, who Katherine put away for murder, is in Woodbridge. Fitz is sending me the address.”

“Let’s go.”

She looked at her phone. No text. “Let’s go bring Malone up to speed.”

Their fast, even strides took them to the sergeant’s office in no time. Malone was behind his desk, his door wide open. He waved them in when he saw them.

“You get something from the call history or financials? Just tell me you have a solid lead.”

Amanda looked at Trent.

“I started on her financials,” Trent said. “Nothing flags.”

Malone bobbed his head.

“We just got a solid lead.” Her phone chimed with a message. Please be Fitz with that address. She checked and confirmed that’s what it was.

“Hey.” Malone snapped his fingers to get her attention. “Over here.”

He hated being ignored in favor of an electronic device. “Sorry, it’s just…” She held up her phone, the screen facing him, though it wasn’t like he could see it from there or make sense of the message without narrative. “A killer Katherine put away in NYC was released a week ago, and now he’s in Woodbridge.”

“And that message?” Malone pointed at her phone.

“Where his phone last pinged.”

Malone wriggled his fingers, and she held the phone so he could read off the address and then peck it into his computer. “It’s the Sunny Motel.”

Life must be playing a sick practical joke on her. The place was impressed upon her memory. Under prior ownership it was tied to the sex-trafficking ring that she had brought down. She turned for the door without saying a word, hearing Trent’s steps behind her.

“I’m getting backup to follow you,” Malone called out.