Amanda nudged her head subtly toward the screen for Trent’s benefit, and he nodded. He’d seen it too. Ollie took pleasure in what he’d been told. Was it personal pride from a guilty man though?

“Did you arrange for this, Mr.Rush?” Amanda cut into the interview. The sooner they could find out who was responsible for Katherine’s abduction, the faster they’d be able to rescue her. Assuming it isn’t too late already. The thought crept in, but she pushed it aside as quickly as possible. The prospect of saving Katherine was what fueled her to keep going.

“I’m behind bars, lady,” Ollie deadpanned, his eyes leering into the camera, again trying to intimidate.

He had no idea who he was dealing with. She sat straighter, hardened her gaze, and stabbed at his pride. “Katherine Graves was responsible for taking down your little gang.”

Ollie’s lips curled, like the jowls of a rabid dog.

His bark didn’t scare her. Maybe if she was in that hypothetical alley with him. But not while he was secured in New York City. “Did you order a hit on Katherine Graves?”

Ollie slumped in his chair, leaning to the left, and he laughed. He laughed so hard, he snorted and pinched the tip of his nose.

“Inform your client of the seriousness of this interview, Mr.Gray,” Natasha jumped in.

Despite the ADA’s reminder, the interview was slipping away. They had no proof that Ollie had contacted the outside world to order the job.

Quinn looked at Ollie. “Just amuse them. Then we can get out of here.”

“I’m in no hurry to return to my cell. Tell me”—Ollie leaned forward to look deeper into the camera—“was she hurt and made to bleed during this abduction?” He sat back with a resting smile in place.

Forget fear. Any iota of that was gone. Amanda’s temper had been ignited, and she wanted to reach through the camera and throttle the man. She’d been up against a huge opponent before and had lived to tell the story. She leveled an unblinking gaze at Ollie. “Are you curious if the job you commissioned was accomplished?”

Ollie’s smile disappeared.

“Did you order Katherine Graves’s abduction?” she barked.

He slowly moved in again. “If I was behind this, she’d have been dead on sight.”


The lawyer hung around for two more rounds of interviews. They went about as well as the one with Ollie, leading to dead ends.

“Well, that didn’t exactly go according to plan.” Natasha ran a hand through her long hair, and her face was drawn. The experience had clearly taken a toll on the woman.

“We’ll figure out who did this.” Amanda was at best a rosy optimist, at worst a fraud. She had nothing to back up her words.

“I should leave before the warden kicks me out.”

“Like that will happen,” Amanda told her, and added, “We’ll keep you updated. Sorry that you are going through this.”

“Don’t apologize to me, just find her safe and sound. Please.” With that, Natasha ended the video conference, and based on her gravelly voice, she was fighting tears.

“That’s that. Back to digging in. We’re safe to rule out any of the other Devil’s Saints members too. If the leaders aren’t behind this, there is no reason they would be.” On the plus side, they had one thing to strike off their list. She continued. “We’ve got Katherine’s call history, GPS history, and her financials.”

Trent stood and pushed his chair in. “I’ll even give you first dibs.”

“Doesn’t much matter. You pick.” She got up and caught a look at the clock. 6:30 PM. “Shit.”

Trent stopped at the door and turned. “What?”

She didn’t want to tell him why she swore, but he had asked. “I forgot to call Logan.”

“Yeah, you might want to take care of that.” He left the room, likely headed to his cubicle.

She pulled out her phone and saw that Logan had tried her twice and left a voicemail. Taking a deep breath, she pressed his name and listened as the phone rang.

“Amanda?” Logan answered. “I’ve been worried sick. I was about ready to call your boss to make sure you were okay. You are okay?”