Amanda softened her approach. “I am with my partner. Why didn’t you tell us any of this sooner?”

“I wasn’t going to point my finger at her. She’s had a rough life, which I told you. I also didn’t want to accept she’d be involved with all you said. I was sure you’d find some way of turning it all back on me.”

She flailed her arms. “And there it is. The real reason. It was about you.”

“Whatever you want to think. I don’t care. Once you cops set your sights on someone, you’re relentless. Look where I am. Again.” Now he met her gaze, his eyes enclosing a challenge to prove him wrong.

“If a person gets our attention, there are good reasons for it.” She clasped her hands on the table and leaned forward. “I was under the impression you only cared about yourself, but you cared about Lynnette, didn’t you?”

“So what if I did?”

Just not enough to step in and save her from an abusive boyfriend… “And one more time for the record, you don’t know her boyfriend’s name or where she might have lived? Remember, we think that he killed her.” Amanda didn’t think she needed to remind him of the stakes but did so anyway.

“I don’t know. I wish I did.”

She nodded, accepting his word now, but before leaving she wanted to satisfy a curiosity that was born from watching the video at the marina. “We have reason to believe Lynnette disabled the GPS in Ms.Graves’s Mercedes. How would she have that knowledge?” She suspected it was under Barry’s tutelage.

“The internet?” Barry shrugged. “Young people are smart with technology.”

Amanda wasn’t so sure she was buying his story here, but she still stood and said, “You’re free to go.” No district attorney would run with charges against Barry. Simon Wheable, on the other hand, would be prosecuted regarding the plates and his illegal business dealings.

Trent joined her in the hallway. “Care to share what you’re thinking with me?”

“Yep. Barry Holden’s in the dark. He cares about Lynnette. If he had a name to give us for the mystery guy, he’d hand it over without hesitation.”

“Unless he plans to get street justice for himself.”

“We can’t watch everyone twenty-four seven.” A caustic attitude, but this shooter needed to be stopped one way or another. And Katherine needed to be saved.


Amanda went home to find Logan looking comfortable on the couch. In the rainbow of lights coming from the television, he was so handsome, it had her taking pause. He was a great father to Zoe, reliable, loyal, and a fantastic lover. Amanda had his heart. What was wrong with her that she’d put all that in jeopardy?

Logan stood and greeted her with a hug and kiss. When they parted, she caught sight of plastic totes at the side of the room. They were full of Christmas decorations. He must have hauled them out of the garage. They were among the things she’d kept from her time with Kevin and Lindsey, though she had taken out sentimental ornaments and ensured they were wrapped with care in tissue paper and tucked away in another spot.

“What’s going on there?” She pointed to the haul.

“I thought I’d get things started. Christmas is only a week away, and I know of one little girl around here who is eager for some seasonal cheer.” He smiled at her, and she touched a hand gently to his cheek as her heart burned.

“Zoe does love Christmas, but no decorating without her or me.”

“Then you’ll need to take some time off work.”

She opened her mouth to respond, shut it, and turned away from him. His comment came as a jab and insulted her. It was true she was banking a lot of hours, but it wasn’t sunshine and lollipops. Two women had been murdered and someone she knew was at risk of losing her life. The lack of progress with the case was painful enough, and Logan’s words were a slap in her face. As if all her efforts were meaningless, and she could just take off without repercussions.

“I shouldn’t have put it that way, but you have been working a lot lately.”

White-hot fury ran through her, and her mind was spinning about what to say.

He held up his hand. “Before you lay into me, I realize this is a special situation. No luck in finding her yet?”

She shook her head. Words locked in her throat as she scanned his face. He’d never fully understand her or get everything about what made her tick. Was their love enough to bind them together or was she fooling herself?

“Do you want a glass of wine? Talk about your day?” He jacked a thumb over his shoulder toward the kitchen.

Her body longed for bed, for her pillow under her head, but they should talk. “Sure.”

He brushed a hand to her shoulder before setting out to do as he’d offered. She shrugged off her shoes and hung her jacket on the coatrack by the front door. Her movements were slow and awkward like a prisoner being walked in shackles toward her execution. Her conscience was beating her mercilessly. Logan didn’t deserve the betrayal or her disloyalty. It wasn’t his fault he didn’t know what it was like being a cop. That was her job, not his. He had done nothing wrong, everything right.