“Not that clear, but they can tell it was issued from New York State.”

“Lowell Mooney is from New York.”

“Didn’t escape my notice.” A slight tug of a smile.

“How do they know it’s from there?”

“The detective was able to discern it’s a custom plate because it has the logo for the New York Giants on it, along with a swipe of blue along the top.”

“New York plates. All right, well, this gives us some leverage.” She couldn’t get in to talk with Lowell fast enough now. “But we also had local plates pop up. Are we looking at someone from New York working with someone local, as occurred to us before?”

“Seems we might be.”

She moved to leave.

“Hold up. There’s more. Apparently, they also cleared up the tattoo on the shooter’s left wrist. Let’s see what we have.” He clicked on an attachment, and she leaned in toward his screen to take a look.

The graphic was distinguishable despite being somewhat grainy from being enlarged. “It’s a snake,” she said, knowing it made her Captain Obvious.


“Print that and the picture of our female perp too. I look forward to seeing Lowell Mooney’s reaction.”

“You and me both.”

They took their printouts and stopped by Malone’s office to bring him up to speed.

“Finally, a break.” Malone let out a deep breath.

“You going to watch the interview?” Amanda asked.

“I wouldn’t miss it.”

The three of them left his office. Malone went to the observation room, and Amanda and Trent headed next door to speak with Lowell.

Thankfully, he wasn’t insisting on a lawyer, telling the officers in the cells the last one didn’t do him much good. This could be of benefit to her and Trent. Lowell’s best interests were the last thing she was concerned about.

Mooney was seated at the table, facing the door. He looked up at them, a glimmer of amusement dancing in his eyes. “You find her yet?” Like before, he appeared comfortable in a police interrogation room, as if he were at home.

Amanda dropped into a chair and pulled out a photograph of the female perp. “We found her,” she said, slapping the picture on the table.

Trent sat next to Amanda and leaned across the table. His eyes held a deep intensity as he stared at Lowell, and the lines of his jaw were sharp.

Lowell looked at the photograph, and then blinked, brow furrowed. “That’s not Graves.”

“Nope. It’s your partner in crime,” she put out there nonchalantly. “Though that’s something you already know.”

Lowell shook his head and drew back into his chair. “Never seen her before in my life.”

“Forgive us if we don’t believe you. When did you get to town?” She remembered what he’d said before and was curious if his story would remain intact.

“Two days after my release. I told you this.”

“About a week ago. But doing what, exactly? You never exactly said. Graves was around for you to confront that whole time, but you insist you didn’t get around to it. So what got in the way?”

Any confident demeanor seemed to evaporate. His eyes darted around the room. “Nothing that concerns you.”

“That’s where you are wrong. Let me tell you what we think. You came to town with revenge on your mind. You wanted to get back at Katherine, and you hired local people to help.” Rage over the effect all of this was having on May propelled Amanda forward as much as saving her former sergeant. “Where is Katherine Graves?” she hissed. If time was sand running through an hourglass, the last grain was about to drop.