“Two days after my release.”

“Why?” One word, just keeping it simple and non-confrontational.

“I mean, I can think of one reason,” Trent cut in, according to their plan. Cut down to the basics, it was to present themselves as Lowell’s ally.

She looked over at him. “What’s that?”

“If it was me and she made me lose my kid, I’d want to confront her and force her to apologize.”

“She didn’t get it!” Lowell roared. “She doesn’t have kids. Ty was everything to me.”

Amanda resisted the urge to point out his track record that led to his losing custody of his son. Their method seemed to be working. Lowell was talking and reacting.

“And that’s why I’m here,” Lowell said. “I wanted to talk to her, but I haven’t gotten a chance yet. Now you tell me she’s gone.”

Amanda stiffened. He spoke as if he were innocent, but madmen often got caught up in their delusions and took them for gospel. “And you picked up the gun off the street, so you had it for what reason? Were you going to threaten her? Shoot her?”

“I just needed a way to make her listen.”

Amanda shook her head. “You must take us for fools. You want us to believe you got a gun with no intention to use it?”

“Only as a prop.”

“A prop with live ammo,” she countered.

“Believe or don’t. Whatever.”

“Did you plan to resort to that because your written threats didn’t work?” Amanda produced copies of the ones found in Katherine’s home office.

Lowell read each and put them down and laughed.

“Is this all a joke to you, Mr.Mooney?” she asked.

“It is funny. Lady has so many enemies, who knows who got to her?”

“Did you write these?” Amanda wasn’t letting herself be distracted. The evidence lined up against him. He made no secret of having it out for Katherine, he was in town, and he was in possession of the same type of gun used that morning. That made him their prime and only suspect. Also their only possible link to Katherine.


There was a knock on the door before Amanda had her answer from Lowell Mooney. Malone was on the other side, and his face was pale. She motioned for Trent to join her in the hall.

“What is it?” Her entire body was quaking. It wasn’t just his complexion but the energy he was giving off. Something bad had happened. “Is it…” She rubbed her throat, as if the physical movement would coax Katherine’s name to her lips.

Malone nodded but quickly added, “Though it’s not what you might think.” He guided them to the observation room but didn’t shut the door. “May Byrd received a ransom demand fifteen minutes ago.”

This had been something she’d half-expected all day. Now that it had come, that expectation hadn’t made it easier to hear. “It wasn’t from Lowell Mooney obviously, but it could be he’s working with someone. That’s the angle we’re looking at, but I need to go, Sarge. I need to be with May.” She swallowed roughly, mustered the courage to ask, “Did the kidnapper provide proof of life?”

“He emailed a picture to May, but it’s not good.”

For the second time in less than two minutes, her entire body trembled as chills passed over her. Her mind slowed as thoughts fired through. “What do you mean ‘it’s not good’?”

Malone took out his phone and brought up a photograph. He held the screen toward her, and Trent moved closer to look too.

Katherine hardly looked recognizable. The flesh beneath her eyes was puffy and darkened crescents. Her eyes themselves looked widened in terror and were bloodshot, her pupils dilated.

Amanda trembled. “She’s been struck, possibly suffering from a concussion. And the picture doesn’t offer up any clues where she is being held. It’s dark though. It may have been taken tonight. What does the kidnapper want?” She was braced to move, but her legs seemed to have her grounded to the floor.

“One hundred thousand dollars by tomorrow morning at ten.”