“Where do you want the jewelry?” he asked, holding his cross and the watch.

“In the bag. I’ll get that back to you tomorrow or the next day, depending on how long this job takes,” I said. “Now go outside,” I demanded.

He wanted to argue, casting glances at his brother. But he did what he was told.

Technically, I had no power over any of these guys. I wasn’t in the Family the same way they were. Not really. But because of the speciality of my job, people listened. Because no one wanted to get locked up.

“I really fucked up, didn’t I?” Nero asked when he came back to start stripping out of his suit.

“Yeah,” I said, nodding. I wasn’t one to sugarcoat shit.

He made a big fucking mess.

I was losing sleep to cover it up for him.

His brother and Cosimo would be bearing the brunt of Lorenzo’s anger about this whole situation.

I just hoped someone would make Nero suffer for all the aggravation he’d caused.

“Wash again,” I said when he handed me his old suit in the bag. “Then walk right out. Don’t come back in here.”

He did as he was told, but the door creaked open again regardless.

“The fuck did I—oh,” I said when I saw Cosimo standing there, brow raised at me.

“Pleasant as always, Sil,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m taking Miko and Nero to see Lorenzo,” he said. “But I am gonna leave Venezio here,” he said. “Outside. You won’t even know he’s here. But if you have trouble lifting one of the bags, tubs, whatever… and just to keep an eye,” he said.

“Alright,” I agreed.

I didn’t know shit about Venezio. From what I understood, he was new in the organization. But my brother was fond of him, so I figured he was an asset to have around.

I didn’t usually struggle to drag around bodies, but I also didn’t usually have two at a time, which would sap my strength fast. And I was going to need that strength. Because these bodies were about to take a long trip.

As soon as everyone was gone, I slipped each body into a bag, then the bigger one into the tub, before making my way outside.

“Venezio?” I asked to the shadow over by the dumpsters.

He stepped forward into the light, a tall guy who was a scrappy sort of fit, dressed like a street kid, not a Made guy, in jeans and a tee, nothing on to fight off the late spring bite in the air.

He walked forward, posture like that of someone who was accustomed to a lifetime of needing to be at the ready, of being capable of throwing hands at the slightest provocation—shoulders leaning slightly forward, almost hunched, arms slightly aloft from his sides.

Other than that, he looked like one of the guys in the Family, even though he wasn’t related. Tall, dark-haired, good bone structure.

As he moved closer, though, I noticed his one really distinguishing characteristic. One and a half brown eyes. Yeah. One fully brown one. The other was half brown and half green.

Talk about being easy to identify in a line-up, if shit came to that.

“Yo,” he said, inclining his chin at me.

“Back my car as close to this door as possible,” I said, waving toward the opening where the garbage trucks likely came in to clear out the dumpster. “Black sedan. Yellow tree deodorizer hanging from the rearview,” I said, tossing him the keys.

“Got it,” he said, his voice sounding like he gargled glass for fun.

I waited for him to back up, popping the trunk for me, then coming out to silently grab the other end of the tote, and shoving it into the backseat with me, then helping me swing the much smaller, but more conspicuous in just a body bag, corpse into the trunk.

“Anything else?” he asked.

“No. Now it’s time to work,” I said.