Those odds weren’t bad. Not if I had the advantage of knowing they were coming, of lying in wait.

“Alright. Let’s get on the road,” I said, decision made, a tentative plan playing out across my mind.

“To the cabin?”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “At least you know you have the shit you need for Storm there,” I said. “And yourself,” I added.

I wouldn’t have shit there.

But I didn’t need it.

I didn’t plan for this shit to take longer than a day or two max.

Then it would be over.

For good.

No more worries moving forward.

I opened the door for Millie, who was doing some favoring of her bad side, likely from the run down the streets with those bastards in pursuit.

Well, this was the last fucking time they’d get a chance to hurt her in any way.

As I slid behind the wheel of Neo’s car, Storm’s head wedged between my and Millie’s shoulders from the backseat, I had a thought that made my stomach drop.

What if, when I finished this for her, she wanted to go back to her old life?

It was a possibility.

Whether I liked admitting that or not.

But it damn sure wasn’t a reason not to do it.

It was like breaking a fucking bird’s wings, then being happy when it didn’t fly away.

It fucking couldn’t.

So I had to do this.

Then say a little prayer that Millie was at least feeling some of the same toward me as I was toward her.

As we drove, her hand slid over to my leg, fingers curling in, and holding on.

So, hopefully, I didn’t have anything to worry about.



I thought I would be too wound up to fall asleep, but as the roads got more and more empty, and the radio played soft blues, I felt my eyes growing heavy enough to start closing.

The next thing I knew, the sun was hot on my face, making my eyes squint open and blink at the empty car.

There was a moment of panic, thinking maybe Silvano had dumped me off, so he could follow through with his plans without me.

But then I noticed Storm was gone, and I figured he went to take him to do his business.

Reaching up, I rubbed at my dry eyes, then glanced at the clock.